
UGG OnlineAh my book report

On the construction of administrative reform and the rule of law government
mm read necessity, in order to better understand and master the basic concept of government by law and framework, I seriously read this book. and led me to the contemporary Chinese administrative reform and building a law-related government thinking and I think the government should build the rule of law is the long-term goal of China's administrative reform, and reform of administrative system of government by law is the construction of ways and means.
a content outline
this book is that the rule of law and government in a modern democracy and market economy based on, in order to realize the people's fundamental rights and freedoms as the starting point and ultimate goal, to make government power comes from the law and subject to the law, the government strictly carry out its mandate and liable for the government. The book detailed and comprehensive description of the rule of law and government basic idea:
First, the rule of law the government is . people have a variety of interest groups, ultimately, most people have the final say, of course, people may make mistakes, most people may make mistakes, but the rule of law can make people in time to correct their mistakes.
Second, the rule of law, the Government is to serve the people the government is to protect the human rights of governments. serve the people, not asking the Government Civil better man, not the government think that what matters is the needs of the people, instead of people do it on . serve the people is a concept, what is the needs of the people, should be mainly by the people judge for themselves. people through certain procedures, for example, representatives, public hearings, all voting to determine what the government do things for themselves , to which the reform of the Government in accordance with the wishes of the people to serve the people.
Third, the rule of law and transparent government means the Government to do something, by what policy to determine what reforms, to bring it up so people know, let the people debate The whole reform process should be open to the people, success and failure should be clear to the people. government open, transparent both to protect citizens' right to know, but also to prevent the executive and staff corruption and abuse of power, strengthen the government's credibility of a government by law not allowed to .
Fourth, the rule of law means that government integrity. This is the relationship between the Government and people of modern society, the re-positioning, but also present the basic requirements of democracy and the rule of law, for China, the administrative principle of good faith to establish a special significance.
Fifth, the rule of law, the government is to resign, so the rule of law is the essence of government: using the law to regulate the government.
Sixth, government by law is cheap and efficient government. cheap government asked the Government ; ratio is positive, ask the Government to the lowest administrative costs, to achieve optimal administration, in which the focus will inevitably ask the Government to establish a sound public finance system, reduce administrative costs, administrative fees imposed norms, prevention and punishment of administrative corruption, ensure that low-cost, high efficiency and clean and honest.
Second, the reading experience
read this book, is my idea of ​​government by law has a more profound and comprehensive understanding of my consciousness more clearly to China's administrative system, the development so far, the government is no longer a man, nor has been a transformation in the government, it must be the rule of law in March 2004 when the government, the State Council promulgated the put forward by 10 years of unremitting efforts, the basic construction of the rule of law to achieve the Government's target. self-imposed rule of law in government 10 years to achieve goals while establishing the modern concept of democracy and the rule of society, rule of law in building socialism with Chinese characteristics, China's government actively recommend administrative system has great significance.
In recent years, the State Council under the leadership of Party committees and governments to vigorously implement the law, administrative law in China has made great achievements, in particular in : accelerating the pace of the executive and legislative, administrative transition to the rule of law, administrative litigation system has been established, the administrative supervision of the network formed. In general, China's state administration according to law in general has been greatly improved, and gradually develop in the direction to the positive But China's current administrative law is still in the preliminary stage, according to administrative law principles enshrined in the content required to do, then there are still some problems can not be ignored: the rule of law ; administrative law enforcement system that is not serious administrative misconduct; weak administrative supervision, administrative law is difficult to investigate; low quality of the administrative law enforcement team, affecting the quality and effectiveness of law enforcement. promoting administration according to the ultimate goal is to build a government by law. visible, construction rule of law and government is still a grand systematic project, described as a long way.
in my view, to further promote the rule of law in China's administrative management system can take the following measures:
1. to achieve government agencies, responsibilities, preparation of statutory. China's traditional administrative system of a major flaw is the , but there are still many problems to be solved is not its root cause major reform of government institutions is no clear legal procedures and system security, there is no statutory body according to law, shall be prepared in principle, we have to gradually achieve the next government, duties the preparation of the statutory body. do government agencies and departments inside the establishment, merge, and the establishment of the functioning of changes in staffing are following the legal procedures.
2, transformation of government functions, deepening administrative reform The rule of law requires separating government affairs separate, the government and the market, the basic relationship between government and society to rationalize the government's economic regulation, market supervision, social management and public service functions in place, which must first clear the scope of government powers and functions , according to the law define and regulate economic regulation, market supervision, social management and public service functions, for example, the government should act as a pilot the economy, act as a catalyst, steering rather than rowing. [2] Second, to focus on macro- planning, control, service and guidance, etc., and the role of market discipline itself.
3, the establishment of scientific and democratic decision-making mechanism and standardized administration. time to reflect scientific decision-making, democratic decision-making Government information provided must be comprehensive, accurate, timely, policies, decisions to be relatively stable release, the administration be open, fair, just, convenient, efficient, honest.
4, strict law enforcement and fair administration of justice, the rule of law for the administrative management system to provide protection in strict accordance with legal procedures to exercise the powers, duties, safeguard the procedural rights of the relative and stakeholders, and improve administrative law enforcement assessment check system files; establish and improve the qualification of administrative law enforcement system; administrative law enforcement by the executive authorities in the implementation of its statutory terms of reference, non-executive organization without laws, regulations or administrative authority of the legitimate authority commission, shall not exercise the right of administrative law enforcement; clean-up, confirm the notice to the administrative enforcement of the social body; the implementation of administrative law enforcement personnel qualification system,[url=http://www.ireland-ugg.com/]UGG Online[/url], the implementation of administrative law enforcement responsibility, etc..
5, improving administrative supervision system and mechanism, strengthen the supervision of administrative acts. the same level governments at all levels should consciously accept the supervision of the NPC and its Standing Committee, to report work, answer questions,[url=http://www.ireland-ugg.com/]UGG Online[/url], according to the Standing Committee filed administrative rules and regulations; consciously accept the democratic supervision of the CPPCC, listen carefully to their views on government work and recommendations; to accept the people's court in accordance with the provisions of the Administrative Procedure Law of the executive authority of the supervision; strengthen the regulations and other normative documents of supervision; conscientiously implement the Administrative Review Law, strengthening the administrative review, improve and strictly implement the executive compensation and compensation system; innovative new level of oversight mechanism, strengthening the higher administrative organs of the lower administrative organs of supervision; enhance special supervision, administrative organs at all levels should actively cooperate with the monitoring, supervision and auditing organs and other specialized work, and consciously accept the supervision and auditing supervision of a special supervisory authority decisions; strengthen social supervision, to protect the citizens, legal persons and other organizations monitoring the implementation of administrative acts rights, broaden the channels of supervision and improve the supervision mechanism, improve the public to report violations of the system; attaches great importance to the news media, the news media reflect the issues to be seriously investigated, verified,[url=http://www.ireland-ugg.com/]UGG Online[/url], and shall be dealt with promptly.
6, strengthen legal advocacy education to enhance the legal awareness of public servants and literacy,[url=http://www.ireland-ugg.com/]UGG Online[/url], improve the level of administration according to law, strengthen the legal education of public servants, with emphasis to enhance the sense of responsibility, program awareness, civil rights protection awareness and encourage public servants to master through practice and application of law, improve public service legal knowledge. Meanwhile, we should according to law throughout all aspects of the administration to include all levels of government economic and social development of the examination content.
Third, the conclusion
build a government by law should be the administrative system of the goals, administrative reform is to build the rule of law means the government's means and the same time, the concept of rule of law and government is the guiding ideology of administrative reform, administrative reform is only the concept of rule of law and the rule of law under the guidance of the government in order to have the right direction,[url=http://www.ireland-ugg.com/]UGG Online[/url], get people useful, valuable results. left the rule of law and the rule of law concept of government guidance, may deviate from the direction of reform, resulting in adverse consequences for the people. rule of law, the government is the goal, the means of reform is the reform is a project, the project must be used to guide the concept of the rule of law.
[1] Qiang: Lisbon, Ted Gaebler forward, Zhou Duiren translated: [1] Wen Jiabao: period, etc..
[3] Albert Chen: Bruch: , p. 357.
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