
UGG Online Primary school girls were stripped naked and vice president of nude photos

1 Vice President out of April 22, just running back to classrooms of Yang Yanyan, feel a little tired. Vice President Liu discovered, it will be Yan Yan called the office, asked her if she is not going to be head and touched her stomach. Ryu then closed the office door, the Yang Yanyan clothes stripped and stroking, then took out his camera phone. Yang Yanyan was to scared to cry. After some time outside the office, Liu Yang Yanyan will be open, let go dressed.

fear, Yang Yanyan dared external stresses. However, the nightmares come again. April 27 morning, so she went to school Ryu Building conference room Quban chair. With the last encounter, Yang Yanyan more than an eye, so quickly went to her sister. Yang Yanyan rushed to the room, shut the door Liu, Yan Yan with a cloth with the eyes of the cast, and then started off her clothes. The dark, Yang Yanyan hear the voice of camera phones, and some people feel toward their own pressure over. Yang Yanyan scared to cry. After a while, at the door waiting for a long time my sister rang the door. Liu quickly got up, so Yang Yanyan put on their clothes.

Chizhou Guichi Area in the sixth grade Yang Yanyan (a pseudonym) recently did not dare go to school, she said she was afraid. Teachers and parents in the questioning, Yan Yan finally say that he is not afraid to go to school on their own, Vice President Liu violence. She said that Liu is not only violence against her twice, but also forced to shoot the nude with a cell phone.

the latest news from the local police, said Vice-President Liu has been under criminal detention, the case is under further investigation.

2 parents refused compounding

happened a few days later, Yan Yan's grandmother knows this.

Yang Yanyan grandmother told reporters that Yan Yan is a hardy children, born eight months, her mother died. Old people know that this post,UGG Online, and son go to school principals and teacher to find the theory and conflict.

heard about the incident at the school Fangxiao Zhang, Yan Yan Dong teacher's class teacher immediately rushed to Yan Yan family, parents want to put Liu Yan Yan, vice president of a horse. ten thousand yuan to understand the matter, but was refused.

3 Liu has been Jingfangxingju

yesterday afternoon, reporters phone the Fangxiao Zhang. Fangxiao Chang told reporters that this is true, the public security organs have been involved in the investigation.

local police station Chensuo Zhang told reporters after the incident, they found on May 13 Ryu, after a survey has found that the matter immediately be suspected of child molestation in criminal detention present case has been transferred to the vice squad. The details of the case, police said the case still under investigation,UGG Online, the present disclose.

Subsequently, the reporter learned from informed sources,UGG Online, Liu has admitted his crimes, public security organs is still under investigation at present, will soon be transferred to the Procuratorate brought the arrest.

newspaper reporter

