
Monster Beats SoloRecap: "Yes" you say as you open the door to your house

Recap: “Yes” you say as you open the door to your house.

(Your POV)

As you walk into the door you see father sitting on the couch as normal. “Good afternoon father.” you say as you go upstairs to put your stuff in your room. He just grunted as he flipped through the channels on the TV. You go into your room, it was always clean. You hated for anything to be really dirty. So you set your bag in the corner next to your bed and lay down for a while and draw. Drawing was always your passion, so you started to draw a couple hearts and swirls. You sorta lost tract of time as you were drawing, because you herd father yelling at you to come down the stairs. You set down you drawing and dash downstairs. “Yes father, what is it?” You ask out of breath. “It’s 7:30 and IM HUNGRY!” he yelled at you. You sigh and walk into the kitchen. You quickly start to grab the preparations for dinner. You decided to make breakfast for dinner, it was quick, easy, and an easy clean up. You were frying the eggs, they smelt so good at the moment, but you had to wait to serve father first. You quickly finished the food as you predicted, so you handed father a plate of food. He quickly ate his food while you took small bites of yours. Around dinner time it was usually very quiet, nobody ever talked. Once you were finished you grabbed the plates and did the dishes. “Good night father.” you said as you walked up the stairs into your room. “Night” you herd him faintly grunt at you. Father was in a fairly good mood today, it made you even happier.

As you lay down on the bed you hear a light buzzing from under your pillow. You found you phone and looked at the number, it was Tea. “Hello?” you quietly whisper, not wanting father to know. “Hey ------------? Its me Tea! I was just wondering if you and Ryou sorted things out, if you know what I mean?” she said. “W-well yah we did? Why do you ask?” you say as you felt yourself blush a bit. “Well I think that you and Ryou would make a great couple, and so do the others!!!” she sounded all excite now. “Oh, well Ryou and I are just friends!!!!” you quietly yell into the phone. “HaHa whatever helps you sleep at night. Well are you and Ryou coming to my party tomorrow?” Tea blurted out. “Yah we are, Who all is going?” you ask. “Well ok you. Ryou, Yugi, Joey, Olivia, Mai, Duke, Marik, Samantha,Monster Headphones, Seto, Mokuba, and well me of corse!” She sounded like she was going to explode with excitement. At the moment I wish she would. “Who are Seto and Mokuba?” you had no clue who they were. “Oh yah do you know Kaiba Corp?” she asked you. “Yes” was your reply. “Well they are the Kaiba brothers, they are the presidents of the corporation.” she said. “Oh” was all that could come out of your mouth. “Yah well ok see you at school tomorrow ---------! Bye!” she said as you both hang up. Sleep soon fall over you, and you went to sleep.

It was finally morning. You got up and got in the shower. The shower felt so nice and refreshing. When you got out, you had noticed that the mark on your face was gone,Beats By Dre Sale! Today was Tea’s party, you were sorta excited about it, all your friends will be there! You go down and get a bowl of cereal for you and father. You took your time but also watched the clock. When you were through you went and got all your things together for the party and for school. when you finished that you herd something sharp hit your window. You look outside and you se Ryou standing there waiting for you. So you rush downstairs, give father a quick good bye, and head out the door.

“Hey Ryou!” you say with a big smile on your face as you see him. “Hey -------! Ready to get going?” he asked you. You nod and start walking. “ You are going to Tea’s party today right?” you ask him. “Yes are you?” he replied. “Uh huh!” you say as you two approach the school. You both meet your friends in the corner or the building. “Hey guys!” you both accidentally say at once. The group laughs as your’s and Ryou’s face turn bright red and you both start laughing. “You two should totally like be a couple!” Mai told you. “W-were just f-friends.” Ryou told Mai. “Just a suggestion” she said as a grin formed in the corners of her mouth. Your face turned even redder. The bell rang and all of you were off to class now.

First hour you had with Ryou. You and Ryou had to take notes today, so it went by quickly.

(Skip to lunch)

You go an sit down with all your friends. “Hey guys whats up?” you ask. They all smile and say good. “Do you not have lunch again -----------?” Ryou asked you. “Well.......no i don’t” you say as you look down at the table. Ryou hands you a dollar. “Take this and go get some lunch.” he told you. “Ryou! No! I can’t take money from you I really can’t!” you say handing him the dollar back. He looked you straight into your eyes. His eyes are so beautiful, a deep chocolate brown. “Now ----------- take this dollar, and go...get...some food.” he said to you as he handed you the dollar. “Y-yes sir.” you say as take it and stand up. Once you left the group started taking to Ryou. “Wow Ryou you really have a way ----------!” Tea said. “Yah Ryou how did you get her to listen to you like that!?” Joey blurted out. “W-well I really d-don’t know?” he told them. “Yah uh huh the perfect husband-wife couple!” Marik said sarcastically. Ryou blushed. You came back and you had and you had an apple in your hand. “Good girl” Ryou said as he gave you a sweet smile. You smile back and eat the apple. “Thank you Ryou, so much!” you say. “No problem ------------ anything for you!” he said. “Ok guys we all have to meet right by the office after school ok?!?” Tea said as you all get up and throw away your trash. We all nod and head out the door as the bell rang.

(Skip to the end of school)

Well the bell rang and you and Ryou met outside or the classroom. “Hey -------- do you mind going to my locker with me?” Ryou asked. “Well only if you don’t mind coming with me to mine?” you say with a smile. You follow Ryou to his locker. He opened his locker and put his books away and grabber his overnight bag. “Ok your locker now,Moncler Online!” he said with a nod. You walk to your locker and grab your overnight bag. “Ok lets go Ryou!” you say. You both walk down the hall and find your friends. “PARTY,Bose Headphones!!!!” Tea yelled as she found you and Ryou. You giggles and called father. “What do you want?” father said as he picked up the phone knowing it was you. “W-well father im going to a friends tonight is that ok?” you asked hoping he was still in a good mood. “Fine” he said as he hung up and you. “What are we waiting for?” You ask as you put your phone away. You all head out for Tea’s house.

(Ryou’s POV)

***Well I got to walk --------- home yesterday! That was the first step, and I even walked her to school today! I really do like ----------- and its hard when everybody is saying that we should go out and what not. My face turns red every time i think of her or see her. The weirdest part or the day was when she and I well.....looked into each others eyes. Don’t get me wrong,Monster Beats Solo, I liked looking into her eyes! But then she listened to what I said! Does she like me back? Tonight at Tea’s party, I will make the first move.***


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