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.About the Saikosis.,Dr Dre Headphones
My name is Saiko,Cheap Sunglasses, and right now I'm currently living in Tokyo, Japan. Where I am attending The Kudan Institute of Language and Culture. This journal will be use for the telling of my adventures in Tokyo. This is a new chapter in my life,Vibram Five Fingers Shoes, and thus calls for a new journal,Beats by Dre Studio Michael Jack! Formally .

Saiko is 21 year young. Half Native American and Half Japanese. Blood Type AB. Living in Tokyo, Japan, and attending a school in Chiyoda. I am currently in love with the singer of Dir en grey, Kyou. Anyone can tell you that.

I have three Number One loves of my life. First one being Kyou of course. He's the numba stunna in my heart. XD Don't ask me. My tired mind came to that conclusion on day. Number Two Number One is Music. I cannot live with out it. It's the stuff that keeps me going. Without it, I'd go crazy. Number Three Number One would be... um... I was just thinking of it earlier, but now I can't remember. I'll get back to you on that one. XD
.100 yen? What??.
All the other cools names I wanted where taken. Like Milktea, Okonomiyaki, Sushi, and other random one word things from Japan I like. So I thought about other things from Japan I like. And I really like the 100 yen shops. They rawk hard core. People who've been to Japan know what I'm talking about. They rawk! You can get almost anything for about 100 yen. I'm cheap like that. XP
Why yes, I have 6. My first one is on my upper right arm. The Kanji reads Ongaku which in Japanese means Music. My second one is on my upper back and is the almost the same crown Kyou has on his right arm. My third one is right below the crown and says Dir en grey. My fourth one is one not may people know about. In fact I don't like to show it off. It was a spur of the moment, I want a tattoo now tattoo. I like to hide it from people. XD It's a Sakura blossom on my right inner ankle. Kinda lame... and the first one I regret. XDDD My fifth and sixth ones are on my wrist. They read "Hone no zui made" "Ashitekure",Discount Coach, which are lyrics from a Dir en grey song called The Fatal Believer. It means "Love me to the marrow of my bones".

.Stalk Me.
E-mail �� MadStalin.X[At]Gmail.Com
AIM �� FiveUglyKingdom
MSN �� MadStalin.X[at]Gmail.com
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Crystal Rock Holdings, Inc. (Crystal Rock) is engaged in the production, marketing and distribution of bottled water (the Crystal Rock and Vermont Pure brands) and the distribution of coffee (including its Cool Beans brand), ancillary products, and other office refreshment products,In Ear Headphones, as well as office products (the Crystal Rock Office brand). The Company operates primarily as a distribution business to homes and offices, using its own trucks for distribution throughout New England, New York,Beats By Dre, and New Jersey. In November 2011, the Company purchased assets from Hartford Stamp,Vibram 5 Fingers Sale, LLC, an office products distributor. In February 2011,Cheap Coach, the Company acquired Cool Beans, LLC, a coffee distributor. In January 2011, the Company purchased assets from Timberline Office Supply, Inc. In November 2010,Dr Beats Headphones, the Company acquired the assets of a small office products company in Hartford, Connecticut.
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Market research firm Forrester Research predicts, to 2016, email, mobile and social media marketing spending is expected to grow from $4800000000 in 2011 to $15700000000.This is the second time the company to submit the listing application, previously submitted on 2007 IPO applications, but then suffered as a result of American financial crisis and interrupt.
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Beats Headphones要问近几年最走红的金属乐队是哪支

要问近几年最走红的金属乐队是哪支?Mastodon(乳齿象,一种史前巨兽)绝对算得上一支。这是NWOAHM的一分子,Moncler,但它绝对不是Metalcore,至今还没有一个词能确切的形容出他们的风格,也没有任何一个乐队和他们相似,Monster Crossfade,前卫金属、泥浆金属、死亡、硬核、激流、试验音乐等多种成分融合其间,或许只能用“先锋金属”一词来形容它的风格。

乐队的主创者是来自纽约的爵士/硬核乐队Lethargy的鼓手Brann Dailor和吉他手Bill Kelliher。

两人还于99年在底特律加入了乐队Today is the Day,帮助录制了专辑In the eyes of god。之后回到老家纽约活动了一段时间,又去到乔治亚洲亚特兰大寻求发展。2000年1月,乐队到达亚特兰大仅三周后,两人在High on Fire的一场演出上遇见了贝司手Troy Sanders和吉他手Brent Hinds,四人一拍即合,组建了Mastodon,并于6月自行发行了一张demo,在地下圈初露头角。此时乐队还只是比较纯粹的碾核/死亡。凭借一系列的巡演和小样,乐队终于赢得了著名的极端金属公司Relapse的一纸和约。在和Eyehategod、Burnt by the Sun等乐队的一系列巡演后,Beats Headphones,01年8月乐队正式发行了第一张EP《Lfeblood》,In Ear Headphones,在这张还比较稚嫩的作品里,乐队已显示出另类的编排和节奏。02年乐队的首张专辑Remission发行立刻引起关注,专辑受到了极高的评价,在当年英国极端金属权威杂志Terrorizer乐评人投票的年度最佳专辑里名列第八——甚至击败了Killswitch Engage、Vader、Arch Enemy等乐队同年的优秀作品,几乎所有媒体都给专集打了90%以上的分数。乐队于是和Darkane、The Haunted等踏上了热火朝天的巡演之中,一时间成为了炙手可热的新秀。一个乐队在第一张专集的起点太高,Cheap Sunglasses,第二张往往难以有突破,然而Mastodon不是这样的乐队。04年,乐队用更加成熟的专辑Leviathan证明了自己的实力超群——专辑受到的好评丝毫不亚于前作,更在上市第一周就卖出8000张,名列Billboard第193位——这对于一只极端金属乐队来说是很不可思议的数字了。

此后和乐队一同巡演的就变为超级大牌了,一场场和Slayer、Isis、Fear Factory的巡演为乐队赢得了更多的乐迷。05年乐队还参加了Ozzfest音乐节,和Rob Zombie、The Haunted等分享了第二舞台。今年初,乐队发行了首张DVD,并集结早期小样里的作品发行了精选《Call of the Mastodon》。乐队目前正在新的一轮巡演中,其前途可谓一片光明。
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Monster HeadphonesWhich Song Are You

Which Song Are You? ,Beats by dre solo

These songs aren't exactly newer,UGG UK Sale, but I found them and I love them. They all have a point to them that I love. If you don't like these choices in music. . .sorry :) Bands include Linkin Park, Evanescence, Trading Yesterday,Monster Beats Dr Dre, Secondhand Serenade,Monster Headphones, Eminem,Moncler Store, Paramore, etc.

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Monster Beats SoloRecap: "Yes" you say as you open the door to your house

Recap: “Yes” you say as you open the door to your house.

(Your POV)

As you walk into the door you see father sitting on the couch as normal. “Good afternoon father.” you say as you go upstairs to put your stuff in your room. He just grunted as he flipped through the channels on the TV. You go into your room, it was always clean. You hated for anything to be really dirty. So you set your bag in the corner next to your bed and lay down for a while and draw. Drawing was always your passion, so you started to draw a couple hearts and swirls. You sorta lost tract of time as you were drawing, because you herd father yelling at you to come down the stairs. You set down you drawing and dash downstairs. “Yes father, what is it?” You ask out of breath. “It’s 7:30 and IM HUNGRY!” he yelled at you. You sigh and walk into the kitchen. You quickly start to grab the preparations for dinner. You decided to make breakfast for dinner, it was quick, easy, and an easy clean up. You were frying the eggs, they smelt so good at the moment, but you had to wait to serve father first. You quickly finished the food as you predicted, so you handed father a plate of food. He quickly ate his food while you took small bites of yours. Around dinner time it was usually very quiet, nobody ever talked. Once you were finished you grabbed the plates and did the dishes. “Good night father.” you said as you walked up the stairs into your room. “Night” you herd him faintly grunt at you. Father was in a fairly good mood today, it made you even happier.

As you lay down on the bed you hear a light buzzing from under your pillow. You found you phone and looked at the number, it was Tea. “Hello?” you quietly whisper, not wanting father to know. “Hey ------------? Its me Tea! I was just wondering if you and Ryou sorted things out, if you know what I mean?” she said. “W-well yah we did? Why do you ask?” you say as you felt yourself blush a bit. “Well I think that you and Ryou would make a great couple, and so do the others!!!” she sounded all excite now. “Oh, well Ryou and I are just friends!!!!” you quietly yell into the phone. “HaHa whatever helps you sleep at night. Well are you and Ryou coming to my party tomorrow?” Tea blurted out. “Yah we are, Who all is going?” you ask. “Well ok you. Ryou, Yugi, Joey, Olivia, Mai, Duke, Marik, Samantha,Monster Headphones, Seto, Mokuba, and well me of corse!” She sounded like she was going to explode with excitement. At the moment I wish she would. “Who are Seto and Mokuba?” you had no clue who they were. “Oh yah do you know Kaiba Corp?” she asked you. “Yes” was your reply. “Well they are the Kaiba brothers, they are the presidents of the corporation.” she said. “Oh” was all that could come out of your mouth. “Yah well ok see you at school tomorrow ---------! Bye!” she said as you both hang up. Sleep soon fall over you, and you went to sleep.

It was finally morning. You got up and got in the shower. The shower felt so nice and refreshing. When you got out, you had noticed that the mark on your face was gone,Beats By Dre Sale! Today was Tea’s party, you were sorta excited about it, all your friends will be there! You go down and get a bowl of cereal for you and father. You took your time but also watched the clock. When you were through you went and got all your things together for the party and for school. when you finished that you herd something sharp hit your window. You look outside and you se Ryou standing there waiting for you. So you rush downstairs, give father a quick good bye, and head out the door.

“Hey Ryou!” you say with a big smile on your face as you see him. “Hey -------! Ready to get going?” he asked you. You nod and start walking. “ You are going to Tea’s party today right?” you ask him. “Yes are you?” he replied. “Uh huh!” you say as you two approach the school. You both meet your friends in the corner or the building. “Hey guys!” you both accidentally say at once. The group laughs as your’s and Ryou’s face turn bright red and you both start laughing. “You two should totally like be a couple!” Mai told you. “W-were just f-friends.” Ryou told Mai. “Just a suggestion” she said as a grin formed in the corners of her mouth. Your face turned even redder. The bell rang and all of you were off to class now.

First hour you had with Ryou. You and Ryou had to take notes today, so it went by quickly.

(Skip to lunch)

You go an sit down with all your friends. “Hey guys whats up?” you ask. They all smile and say good. “Do you not have lunch again -----------?” Ryou asked you. “Well.......no i don’t” you say as you look down at the table. Ryou hands you a dollar. “Take this and go get some lunch.” he told you. “Ryou! No! I can’t take money from you I really can’t!” you say handing him the dollar back. He looked you straight into your eyes. His eyes are so beautiful, a deep chocolate brown. “Now ----------- take this dollar, and go...get...some food.” he said to you as he handed you the dollar. “Y-yes sir.” you say as take it and stand up. Once you left the group started taking to Ryou. “Wow Ryou you really have a way ----------!” Tea said. “Yah Ryou how did you get her to listen to you like that!?” Joey blurted out. “W-well I really d-don’t know?” he told them. “Yah uh huh the perfect husband-wife couple!” Marik said sarcastically. Ryou blushed. You came back and you had and you had an apple in your hand. “Good girl” Ryou said as he gave you a sweet smile. You smile back and eat the apple. “Thank you Ryou, so much!” you say. “No problem ------------ anything for you!” he said. “Ok guys we all have to meet right by the office after school ok?!?” Tea said as you all get up and throw away your trash. We all nod and head out the door as the bell rang.

(Skip to the end of school)

Well the bell rang and you and Ryou met outside or the classroom. “Hey -------- do you mind going to my locker with me?” Ryou asked. “Well only if you don’t mind coming with me to mine?” you say with a smile. You follow Ryou to his locker. He opened his locker and put his books away and grabber his overnight bag. “Ok your locker now,Moncler Online!” he said with a nod. You walk to your locker and grab your overnight bag. “Ok lets go Ryou!” you say. You both walk down the hall and find your friends. “PARTY,Bose Headphones!!!!” Tea yelled as she found you and Ryou. You giggles and called father. “What do you want?” father said as he picked up the phone knowing it was you. “W-well father im going to a friends tonight is that ok?” you asked hoping he was still in a good mood. “Fine” he said as he hung up and you. “What are we waiting for?” You ask as you put your phone away. You all head out for Tea’s house.

(Ryou’s POV)

***Well I got to walk --------- home yesterday! That was the first step, and I even walked her to school today! I really do like ----------- and its hard when everybody is saying that we should go out and what not. My face turns red every time i think of her or see her. The weirdest part or the day was when she and I well.....looked into each others eyes. Don’t get me wrong,Monster Beats Solo, I liked looking into her eyes! But then she listened to what I said! Does she like me back? Tonight at Tea’s party, I will make the first move.***


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Extendeduse. INF files - production of exempts installation green software in my special article in the &mdash ;&mdash ;green software in making ( ) ,he told the registry file and extract the software is packaged together to make green software .
But in the. REG file path are static ,once written ,not with the system changes, and in the. INF file, you can use variable control path ,thereby tracking setup required path change .
The first to a complete example to demonstrate how to use the. INF file making green software ,and then explained the. INF file for a variety of purposes .EmEditor green download EmEditor installation files to emed404epx.
exe, found with WinRAR can open ,after decompression ,running EmEditor ,find lost predefined multiple text format syntax ,it seems not do so ,but to take a snapshot of the system method .
Please follow me step by step, the steps are as follows: 1 scanning system ,formulate a snapshot of the system .Here I just record the current system registry ( because I don to the system directory to copy a file ,if the error of judgment ,would cause the &ldquo ;green &rdquo ;failure) ,running ART ( Advanced Registery Tracer ) ,scan the registry .
As shown in figure EmEditor_snap.PNG ,do not close ART .2 installation EmEditor .Just where to install ,it will unload .After installation, if necessary ,change the configuration ,or configure the new document types, for example I increased the NFO file type ,set and NFO files associated with the character set ,this can be used EmEditor view NFO files directly ,without the need of a special check tool .
A 3 recording system changes .Once again the scanning system ,to the system as a snapshot ,from within the ART registry scan again ,and then select the menu Registry - compare here or the direct use of the keyboard F10 ,compare the results as shown in figure EmEditor_compare.
png ,click the map to the save to redo file button ,stored as EmEditor.reg files ,close ART .The 4 copy and unloading .Copy installed EmEditor directory to the other path ,then uninstall EmEditor program .
Analysis of 5 .Open just the exported EmEditor.reg file ,which is a large reg files, only REG documents have more than 1000000000000 ,but not to worry .After reading the registry ,delete and not EmEditor registry entries ,such as simply and explorer related registry ,find the rest of the registry file can be divided into 3 parts .
A portion of the path in the Registry / SOFTWARE / ,which most pathways involved ,only a record of EmEditor path ," ;ModulePath" ;H = " ;/ / EmEditor4 / / " ;;there are mostly in the registry of the path below Software / EmSoft / EmEditor ,there are many items are involved in the EmEditor pathway ,such as " ;Tmpl" ;H = " ;/ / EmEditor4 / / template.
xml" ;;and there is EmEditor and TXT file suffix to the associated registry settings ,the EmEditor is set to IE default source code view tool as well as the registry settings register the COM components EMEDSHL.
DLL registry section ( and InProcServer32 is ) .6 &ldquo ;green &rdquo ;.In 6.1 the registry path SOFTWARE / contents stored in EmEditor_HKLM.reg files ,UGG UK Sale,located within the registry path Software / EmSoft / EmEditor contents stored in EmEditor_HKCU.
reg files ,the rest of the content is first to get rid of COM component in EMEDSHL.DLL related parts ,and then stored in an EmEditor_assoc.reg file .6.2 EmEditor_HKLM.reg files and EmEditor_HKCU.
reg files related to the contents of the registry path is extracted ,stored in the EmEditorConf.reg file .6.3 green software production ,in which the core point is to obtain the original software installation program to make the registry changes ,then the changes are derived for a registry file .
REG to further analysis .If the derived . REG file does not include absolute path ,then you can put the registry file and extract the software is packaged together to make green software .
If the derived . REG file contains the current software absolutely installation path ,so must every time to manually modify the registry path ,is very troublesome ,reduces the significance of green software .
And use the. INF file, use the AddReg command can easily solve the registry path problem .The EmEditor_assoc.reg files and EmEditorConf.reg files using INF grammar is converted to INF files ,or use a free gadget reg2inf.
exe automatic conversion ,and then convert the EmEditor_assoc.inf file and EmEditorConf.inf file path H: / EmEditor4 all use%01% instead .The following is the content of the EmEditorConf.inf file : Version Signature = " ;$CHICAGO $" AddReg = EmEditorConf_AddReg ;HKLM ," ;SOFTWARE / EmSoft / EmEditor V3 / Common" ;" ;ModulePath" ;,,," ;%01% / " ;HKCU ," ;Software / EmSoft / EmEditor V3 / Config / C++" ;" ;Tmpl" ;,,," ;%01% / template.
cpp" ;HKCU ," ;Software / EmSoft / EmEditor V3 / Config / CSS" ;" ;Tmpl" ;,,," ;%01% / template.css" ;HKCU ," ;Software / EmSoft / EmEditor V3 / Config / HTML" ;" ;Tmpl" ;,,," ;%01% / template.
htm" ;HKCU ," ;Software / EmSoft / EmEditor V3 / Config / Java" ;" ;Tmpl" ;,,," ;%01% / template.java" ;HKCU ," ;Software / EmSoft / EmEditor V3 / Config / javascript" ;" ;Tmpl" ;,,,%01% / template.
js" ;HKCU " ;," ;Software / EmSoft / EmEditor V3 / Config / JSP" ;" ;Tmpl" ;,,," ;%01% / template.jsp" ;HKCU ," ;Software / EmSoft / EmEditor V3 / Config / Perl" ;" ;Tmpl" ;,,," ;%01% / template.
pl" ;HKCU ," ;Software / EmSoft / EmEditor V3 / Config / PHP " ;" ;Tmpl" ;,,," ;%01% / template.php" ;HKCU ," ;Software / EmSoft / EmEditor V3 / Config / Python" ;" ;Tmpl" ;,,," ;%01% / template.
py" ;HKCU ," ;Software / EmSoft / EmEditor V3 / Config / Ruby" ;" ;Tmpl" ;,,," ;%01% / template.rb" ;HKCU ," ;Software / EmSoft / EmEditor V3 / Config / TeX" ;" ;Tmpl" ;,,," ;%01% / template.
tex" ;HKCU ,Vibram Shoes," ;Software / EmSoft / EmEditor V3 / Config / VBScript" ;" ;Tmpl" ;,,,%01% / template.vbs" ;HKCU " ;," ;Software / EmSoft / EmEditor V3 / Config / VBScript for EmEditor" ;" ;Tmpl" ;,,," ;%01% / template.
vbee" ;HKCU ," ;Software / EmSoft / EmEditor V3 / Config / Windows ," ;Tmpl" ;Script" ;" ;%01% / template.wsf" ,,HKCU ," ;Software ;EmSoft / EmEditor V3 / Config / XML" ;" ;Tmpl" ;,,," ;%01% / template.
xml" ;6.4 write a batch file install.bat ,content is as follows: regedit EmEditor_HKLM.reg regedit EmEditor_HKCU.reg RUNDLL32.EXE SETUPAPI.DLL ,InstallHinfSection DefaultInstall 128 / EmEditorCo .
Nf.inf Regsvr32 EMEDSHL.DLL RUNDLL32.EXE SETUPAPI.DLL ,InstallHinfSection DefaultInstall 128 / EmEditor_assoc.inf 6.5 .The install.bat ,EmEditorConf.inf ,EmEditor_assoc.inf ,EmEditor_HKLM.
reg ,EmEditor_HKCU.reg5 files to EmEditor directory ,delete the registry file .6.6 according to the installation steps and install.bat ,write the unloading of the batch file ,this is relatively simple .
After testing ,EmEditor is working properly ,can also comment out the install.bat the last 2 rows of the statement ,so EmEditor wouldn and relation system ,the above steps at Windows 2000 ,the Win9x also ,but following Win9x EmEditor configuration files and windows 2000 ,is only the different version of the program .
To produce a good green EmEditor copy to the U disk, for the time ,execute directly inside the install.bat file can be ( pay attention to in the EmEditor directory ,run the batch file ) ,does not require any file copy .
The. INF file is what . INF is Device Information File abbreviations ,Microsoft for hardware equipment manufacturers to release its device driver and the development of &mdash ;&mdash ;&mdash ;many hardware device drivers are the use of the.
INF file to install .The. INF file from the Windows3.X era began to be used .The. INF file is a text file with a specific format ,we can say it is a setup script ( SetupScript ) .Although INF is just plain text files ,but when we are in the file manager for explorer .
INF file, click the right mouse button ,as shown in Figure inf right . PNG ,in the right click menu will appear on the &ldquo I&rdquo ;installation ;command ,this is because Microsoft has in its operating system built in Windows with Setup API ( can be explained .
INF script file ) ,we only use text editing software . INF file ,can complete most of the installation work ,and especially in the software size is not large, the installation work is not very complex, use the.
INF file to install the work would be a good selection of .But if you want to install the device driver ,the. INF file is currently the only option .Can use the . INF file is created including the registry entries and the destination directory custom software installation instructions .
The. INF file can provide limited platform independence ,and specify the limited software dependence .The . INF file is the most common application is for the installation of hardware device driver services ,the purpose of this paper is to introduce the.
INF file function ,structure ,and provides several examples to illustrate how to use the . INF file extension. INF file ,how to use ,such as the production of green software ,for reference only .
The first is a driver . INF file ,as shown in figure usbinfpng.png ,is I from Windows2000 extracted for Win98se USB storage device driver in the usbstor.INF file ,delete the majority of content ,to retain a basic.
INF file frame .The. INF file format in figure usbinfpng.png ,can see the . INF file is composed of many festival ( Section ) composition ,similar to an. INI file ,the . INF file is composed of several sections ,the section name in square brackets extending up ,such as version ,Manufacturer ,and Strings Festival and so on .
Each section is composed of a series of entries ,each entry is by a key ( Key ) and a value ( Value ) ,are &ldquo ;Key = Value&rdquo ;such forms ,in these sections defined in the project can be completed the hardware of automatic detection and software ( including the driver ) installation .
The. INF file in a string is behind the notes .In an . INF file, all following the semicolon ( ;) after text will be regarded as annotation .Notes should not be on new start ,in a line of text add comments .
The. INF file format and function as follows : :this section contains a brief description of the . INF files with the . INF file support device type information .To confirm the . INF file basic version information .
Any. INF file must include this festival .In figure usbinfpng.png , section of the statement Signature = " ;$CHICAGO $" ;indicate the . INF file can be used for Windows 95 on all platforms ,there is Win98 ,winme ,winnt4 ,Win2K ,WINXP ,win2k3 .
This . INF file comparison .If section in the signature entry is Signature = " ;$Windows 95 $" ;,indicating that this . INF file can be used for Windows 95 Win9x platform, there is Win98 ,winme .
If section in the signature entry is Signature = " ;$WINDOWS NT $" ;,indicating that this . INF file can be used for the WindowsNT series of platforms, including winnt4 ,Win2K ,WINXP ,win2k3 .
The series WIN9x operating system SetupAPI will refuse to perform this type of . INF files . and Manufacturer :lists the. INF file can identify all hardware devices, and the development of the hardware manufacturers ,mainly for the hardware equipment installation .
In the device driver . INF file must include and Festival festival .Corresponding to the graph usbinfpng.png is and Festival ,installing new hardware wizard listed in the manufacturer and device name is from the two festival .
This statement &ldquo ;%MfgName% = Microsoft&rdquo ;equal right name specified equipment manufacturer Microsoft ,to the left of the equals sign is the name of the manufacturer ,the manufacturer is " map ;Microsoft" ;( in the back of that section ) .
In an . INF file can have multiple equipment manufacturer name ,must be placed in the section, at the same time Manufacturer section can be listed in the manufacturer of a variety of equipment .
Manufacturer section containing to installed equipment is described ,and the device that you want to install pointed out section . Manufacturer Grammar : device-description = install-section-name ,device-id ,compatible-device-id .
.. Device-description is to install the device description .Install-section-name is the equipment section name ,manufacturer-name section name must have been in section was defined .
Device-id is the hardware identifier, each manufacturer different hardware is corresponding to different equipment identifier .Corresponding to the graph usbinfpng.png, is this statement &ldquo ;%GenericBulkOnly.
DeviceDesc% = USBSTOR_BULK ,USB / Class_08& ;SubClass_02& ;Prot_50&rdquo ;to the left of the equals sign is the device is described ,which is device name is " ;USB Mass Storage Device" ;the right of the equal sign ,and the USB / Class_08& ;SubClass_02& ;Prot_50 is equipment symbol ,this symbol is corresponding to the type of hardware equipment ,is the USB storage device ,operating system detects a USB storage device ,install the appropriate driver when, will be from the device driver installation day festival began to install the driver .
We can see this. INF file can be used for general USB storage " ;USB Mass Storage Device" ;driver installation .General installation software . INF file, not including and Manufacturer ,even if included, would not perform them, the 2 festival was only used for hardware device driver in the role of .
:description of device drivers and hardware equipment and the actual attributes .It also defines all section name ,after the definition section includes the installation of the equipment information and the command .
By default ,will perform festival in inf ,right click the. PNG ,Install operation will perform festival . section contains links to other sections of the pointer ,this section can be used to specify to copy and delete files ,registry updates ,the.
INF file update .Corresponding to the graph usbinfpng.png, is day ,in which to perform copy the file CopyFiles and add registry project AddReg2 operation .If it is ordinary software .
INF file ,can be achieved by the mouse right key menu on the &ldquo &rdquo ;installation ;command to install ( Figure inf right click the. PNG ) ,this time the. INF file must include section ,can also include other Festival ,RUNDLL32.
EXE SETUPAPI.DLL ,InstallHinfSection name ,such command to install . section of the grammar : Copyfiles = file-list-section , ... LogConfig = log-config-section-name Renfiles = file-list-section , .
.. Delfiles = file-list-section , ... UpdateInis = update-ini-section , ... UpdateIniFields = update-inifields-section , ... AddReg = add-registry-section , ... DelReg = del-registry-section , .
.. Ini2Reg = ini-to-registry-section , ... UpdateCfgSys = update-config-section UpdateAutoBat = update-autoexec-section section defines the setup and hardware resources needed ,in order to install a new driver or software .
This section of each entry has its specific format and meaning ,is not each entry is necessary .Whether to install the driver or common software ,finally will be from a festival begins to carry out .
:specify disk copy ,delete or rename section file location (for example / Windows or Windows / System ) .The. INF file by section to specify the operation target path ,syntax is as follows: file-list-section = ldid ,subdir DefaultDestDir = ldid , section section defines the operations specified in ( CopyFiles ,RenFiles or DelFiles can be the target directory section ) .
The DefaultDestDir command for the . INF file in any not explicit in the section named CopyFiles ,RenFiles or DelFiles section to specify the default destination folder .In the. INF file, use the logical disk identifier ( LDID ) to represent the path ,as follows :00 Null LDID - can be used to create a new LDID 01 Source Drive: / pathname 10 Windows folder ( equivalent to%windir% directory ) 11 System 12 IOSubsys 13 Command folder folder folder folder 17 Inf 18 Help 20 Fonts 21 Viewers folder 22 VMM32 23 Color 24 Windows folder folder contains the root directory of drive 28 Host Winboot 30 startup disk root folder 31 virtual disk main drive root folder as shown in figure usbinfpng.
png ,this statement &ldquo ;USBSTOR.CopyList = 10 ,system32 / drivers&rdquo ;show USBSTOR.CopyList this file list file of the target path is %windir% / system32 / drivers ,of which 10 represented the Windows folder ,that is to say the USBSTOR.
CopyList file list file USBSTOR.SYS mounted in the drive when will be copied to the %windir% / system32 / drivers folder .Usbstor.inf this file will be copied to the 17 ,namely%windir% / inf folder .
:definition and listed above can be used to localize the string .If a particular string in the. INF file appears frequently ,so in this section as they define a string variable that will be a good choice .
As shown in figure usbinfpng.png ,statement MfgName = " ;Microsoft" ;,defines section using MfgName variable (that is, string " ;Microsoft" ;) . Delete / RenameSection ( s ) :list to copy ,delete or rename files .
Section names are CopyFiles ,DelFiles ,RenFiles . RegistryUpdateSection ( s ) :specified in the registry to add or delete items .Festival is AddReg ,DelReg . IniFileUpdateSection ( s ) :specify an.
INI file update .Links in this section to create .Section name is UpdateInis . :for the device to define a new class ( Class ) .Mainly used for hardware equipment installation . :list file containing the disk .
:each file are listed the specific disk .There are many other festivals ,such as :Update . Ini Fields (UpdateIniFields ) ,Add Ini File to Registry (Ini2Reg) ,Update Config.sys ( UpdateCfgSys ) ,Update Autoexec.
bat ( UpdateAutoBat ) ,Optional Components Festival ,etc. .The. INF file is a Windows SetupAPI interpreted script file ,its operation is very simple ,is a linear ,linear means the. INF file operation process does not exist branch statements, there is no conditional statements ,once started, is along a fixed route operation .
Its operation is in accordance with section as the unit to perform ,from a section starts execution ,from top to bottom entry in the execution of the day ,if the entry is a festival ,then an executive section entries, so the recursive execution .
The script looks function is weak ,but for simple installation tasks have been enough ,installation only copy files registry ,add ,modify the. INI file and other tasks, these can use the .
INF file to complete .For more complex installation requirements ,such as the required setup interface pretty convenient ,calls for selectively mounting ,request setup automatic repair function ,had to resort to other tools ,such as Microsoft Windows Installer ,have more powerful function .
The. INF file version of the. INF file syntax is uniform segment grammar ,with the operating system update ,Microsoft has gradually increased the number of necessary keywords ,but on the whole the .
INF file structure will not change .Grammatically ,the. INF file is a category .According to the. INF file version to classification ,can be divided into 2 categories :1 in AdvancedINF , section &ldquo ;AdvancedINF = 2.
5 ," ;you need a new version of the AdvPack.dll" ;&rdquo ;such a statement ,indicating this. INF file to AdvPack.dll the dynamic link library to explain the implementation ,AdvancedINF some advanced features ,but in the present with not too much .
2 common INF ,did not indicate the need for AdvPack.dll . INF file ,use SetupAPI.DLL to explain the implementation ( Win9x series operating system using Setupx.dll) ,system default is the use of the ordinary INF .
The. INF file function from the introduction, can be seen using . INF files can complete the following functions :1 copy files ,delete files ,or rename files .2 add or remove Registry ( Registry ) in the project .
The 3 modification of critical system settings file ( such as Autoexec.bat ,Config.sys ,INI etc.) .Rough look ,seem to be mentioned above a first function can use the batch file . BAT to complete ,the second functions can be accomplished by the registry file .
REG to complete ,third function now didn ,does not often address the. INI file .So it seems . INF file is not too much of an advantage .This view is a problem, I will be highlighted .
INF in several aspects of this application ,without explaining the. INF grammar .The following references to the. INF file is superior to other tools aspects .Use the . INF file to edit the registry .
INF files can be edited in manipulating the registry ,the corresponding command is AddReg and DelReg ,syntax is as follows: AddReg = add-registry-section , ... reg-root-string , , , , section defines will want to add registry subkeys or values ,can be selectively set its value .
DelReg = del-registry-section , ... reg-root-string , subkey , section defines will be removed from the registry subkeys or values of subkey value-name .Sometimes surfing the Internet in some website ,modify the IE home page ,then disable the REGEDIT tool ,this time many people have to resort to other third party tools such as magic rabbit, to restore the registry editing privileges ,but this time only rely on the .
INF files can be restored using the REGEDIT tool permissions .Put the following code into Notepad, save as jiereg.inf ,then right click on it and select the &ldquo installation ( I ) ;&rdquo ;,can be .
Signature = " ;$CHICAGO $" ; AddReg = My.Add.Reg HKCU ," ;SOFTWARE / Microsoft / Windows / CurrentVersion / policies / system" ," ;disableregistrytools" ;0x00010001 ;" ;0" ;,,HKLM ," ;SOFTWARE / Microsoft / Windows / CurrentVersion / policies / system" ;" ;disableregistrytools" ,0x00010001 ," ;0" ;,;of course also can use other methods ,the principle is the same ,this is just a demo .
INF file to use .Directly using the registry file ,sometimes encounter another disadvantage ,is the . REG file which uses 16 hexadecimal code represents a UNICODE string ,as in the following statement :two Registry / Software / Microsoft / Windows / CurrentVersion / Explorer / User Shell " = hex ;Cookies" ;( 2) :25 00, 55, 00, 53, 00, 45, 00, 52, 00, 50, 00, 52, 00, 4f ,00, 46, 00, 49, 00, 4C ,00, 45, 00, 25, 00, 5C ,00, 43, 00, 6F ,00, 6F ,00, 6B ,00, 69, 00, 65, 00, 73, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00 SYSTEM / CurrentControlSet / Services / " = hex ;ImagePath" ;( 2) :22, 00, 44, 00, 3a ,00, 5C ,00, 50, 00, 72, 00, 6F ,00, 67, 00, 72, 00, 61, 00, 6D ,00, 20, 00, 46, 00, 69, 00, 6C ,00, 65, 00, 73, 00, 5C ,00, 53, 00, 6F ,00, 66, 00,Nike Factory Outlet, 74, 00, 45, 00, 74, 00, 68, 00, 65, 00, 72, 00, 5C ,00, 53, 00, 6F ,00, 66, 00, 74, 00, 45, 00, 74, 00, 68, 00, 65, 00, 72, 00, 2E ,00, 65, 00, 78, 00, 65, 00, 22, 00, 20, 00, 73, 00, 65, 00, 72, 00, 76, 00, 69, 00, 63, 00, 65, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00 of the top two statement is hard to read and modify ,manually modify the word very troublesome ,where " ;Cookies" ;value actually is &ldquo ;%USERPROFILE% / Cookies&rdquo ;character String UNICODE .
" ;ImagePath" ;value actually is " ;D: / Program Files / SoftEther / SoftEther.exe" ;service if the . INF file in the form of words ,it is very simple to understand: Signature = " ;$CHICAGO $" ; AddReg = Folders_AddReg HKCU ," ;Software / Microsoft / Windows / CurrentVersion / Explorer / User Shell Folders" ;" ;Cookies" ;0x00020000 ," ,,%USERPROFILE% / Cookies" ;HKLM ;" ;SYSTEM ,/ CurrentControlSet / Services / SoftEther" ;" ;ImagePath" ;0x020000 ," ," ,;;" ;D: / Program Files / SoftEther / SoftEther.
exe" ;" ;service" ;this time you can manually modify the inside of the path information ,while the . REG file is very difficult to achieve this point .Use the . INF file editor.
INI file . INF file, you can use the UpdateInis command to modify the . INI file functions are often required ,UpdateInis syntax is as follows: UpdateInis = update-ini-section , ... ini-file ,ini-section , , , section gives the .
INF file replace ,delete or add all items .Ini-file includes to change the . INI file name .Ini-section includes to change the entry section .The old-ini-entry optional ,commonly used to form Key = Value .
The new-ini-entry optional ,commonly used to form Key = Value .The flags is optional marker .The use of logical disk identifier ( LDID ) ,can easily modify the. INI file path information, of course, other entries also .
For example: Total Commander ,is a set of excellent file manager, containing various kinds of compression and decompression ,similar to the NC is a very useful tool ,for file and path search ,in addition to general copy ,delete ,move ,edit and other functions, and FTP function (with a resume ,background transmission ) and solves the Chinese garbage problem ," " ;topics ;never become " ;color problem " ;,add file segmentation ,files ,file ,file encoding decoding ( MIME ,UUE ,XXE ) and the new interface ( floating toolbar ) .
It is a very tough can completely replace the file explorer program .Total Commander relies on wincmd.ini to configure the corresponding operation characteristics and function ,so you can use the following .
INF file to modify the wincmd.ini path information : Signature = " ;$CHICAGO $" AddReg = AddGhister ;UpdateInis = UpdateInicmd HKCU ," ;Software / Ghisler / Total ,Commander" ;" ;IniFileName" ;" ;,0 ,.
/ / wincmd.ini" ;HKCU ," ;Software / Ghisler / Total ,UGG UK," ;FtpIniName" ;Commander" ;" ;,0 ,./ / wcx_ftp.ini" ; %01% / wincmd.ini ,Configuration ,," ;InstallDir =%01%" ;%01% / wincmd.
ini ,Configuration ,," ;Mainmenu = %01% / LANGUAGE / TCExtMenu.mnu" ;wherein section responsible for modifying the registry records wincmd.ini path ,and section responsible for modifying wincmd.
ini file red corresponding path information ,can be seen ,a simple INF file completed revised Total Commander path task ,in the Total Commander5.x version ,you must modify the wincmd.ini file path information, this time using the.
INF file is very convenient . Using . INF files to delete the file being used sometimes for some file is being operating system used to delete ,such as some for resource management for OCX controls, you can use the DelFiles command to delete the .
INF file ,this command if want to delete the file is locked ,the file on the system will delete queue ,etc. system restart time, the file is automatically deleted .The Delfiles syntax is :Delfiles = file-list-section , .
.. filename ,,,1 section defines will remove file list ,behind the filename 1 is a marker ,indicating if the file currently cannot be removed until the system is restarted ,after delete .
Put the following code into Notepad, save as delinuse.inf ,copy it to delete the file directory, then right click on it and select the &ldquo installation ( I ) ;&rdquo ;,can remove the current directory is the use of setup.
exe and setup2.exe . Signature = " ;$Chicago $" ;DefaultDestDir = 01 ;the current directory ,defines will delete a file path DelFiles = DELETELIST setup.exe ,,,1 ;will want to delete the file setup2.
exe ,,,1 ;will be deleted files can also be use the Copyfiles command to replace the system is accessed files .These functions through common del and copy command cannot achieve ,if you do not use the.
INF file, you must use third party software to complete .Auxiliary production green software in the registry . REG file, can not use variables ,this flaw to need to set the path setup ,is very fatal weakness ,the.
REG file path are static ,once written ,not with the system changes, if you need to install the program from the C change to the D disk ,but in the. REG file record installation path ,this time directly into the registry file .
REG is not enough, import the registry is still the original write path .But in the. INF file, can be used to manipulate the path variable ,which can track setup required path change .
For the green software ,you can see I wrote another special article in the &mdash ;&mdash ;green software production ,in which the core point is to obtain the original software installation program to make the registry changes ,then the changes are derived for a registry file .
REG to further analysis .If the derived . REG file does not include absolute path ,then you can put the registry file and extract the software is packaged together to make green software .
If the derived . REG file contains the current software absolutely installation path ,so must every time to manually modify the registry path ,is very troublesome ,reduces the significance of green software .
And use the. INF file, use the AddReg command can easily solve the registry path problem .For the green software installed production ,the most important is 01 ,which is the source folder .
Here is an example :Registry Crawler V4.5 ,is a powerful users and developers to quickly locate and configuration registry tools software .A powerful search engine allows you to search based on the standard lookup register information .
( from the sky software station download ) ,installed after the completion of export registry contains the following statement : SOFTWARE / 4Developers / RCrawler / @ = " ;F: / / tools / / Reg / / RCrawler" ;&ldquo ;F: / tools / Reg / RCrawler&rdquo ;is the installation path .
Written for the. INF file is : Signature = " ;$CHICAGO $" ; AddReg = Add HKLM ," ;SOFTWARE / 4Developers / RCrawler / AppPath" ;" ;" ;,,0 ," ;%01%" ;pay attention to inside%01% represents the current installation path .
When we put F: / tools / Reg / RCrawler the files in the directory moved to another directory ,to use the . REG file way, you must manually modify the registry file ,and using the . INF file, what all without modification, as long as the file manager for Explorer inside ,the right mouse button to perform &ldquo &rdquo command ;installation ;when ,%01% will automatically be replaced the current directory .
Finally, summary sentence ,the registry file . REG is very convenient and intuitive ,but for the processing path changes, very clumsy and inconvenient ,and . INF as the registry file directly ,but can facilitate the processing path information ( including UNICODE path information ) ,so it should take the.
REG file and the . INF file with use ,can compensate for each other disadvantages .The. INF file generation method can directly by hand using a text editor to write . INF file ,when the corresponding to the .
REG file is very large ,entry very much time, can use the gadget reg2inf.exe to automatically place the. REG file is converted to the . INF file ,and then the corresponding path is modified ,the absolute path replacement for logical disk identifier ( LDID ) to represent the path .
If related to file operations at the time ,had to hand wrote ,there is no automation tool .The INF file is not VBS so powerful ,Louboutin Shoes,even by the dangerous formatting code limit of inf is very strong, so that other than the script file security ,of course the relative function is weak ,but also enough .
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The first fdisk l found their names :/ dev / sdb1 172825584959999 + EE GPT Disk / dev / SDA: 599 GB ,598999040000 bytes / dev / sda1 172825584959999 + EE GPT Disk / dev / SDD: 599 GB ,Moncler Store,598999040000 bytes / dev / SDD1 172825584959999 + EE GPT Disk / dev / SDC: 599 GB ,598999040000 bytes / dev / SDC1 172825584959999 + EE GPT Disk / dev / SDH: 599 GB ,598999040000 bytes / dev / sdh1 172825584959999 + EE GPT Disk / dev / SDG: 599 GB ,598999040000 bytes / dev / sdg1 172825584959999 + EE GPT Disk / dev / SDE: 599 GB ,598999040000 bytes / dev / SDE1 172825584959999 + EE GPT Disk / dev / SDF: 599 GB ,598999040000 bytes / dev / SDF1 172825584959999 + EE GPT / dev / SDD here to partition : # parted / dev / SDD GNU Parted 2.
1 / dev / SDD Welcome to use GNU Parted !Type to view a list of commands .Harddisk :( parted ) P Model: IBM ServeRAID M5015 ( SCSI ) Disk / D EV / SDD: 599GB Sector size ( logical / physical ) :512B / 512B Partition Table: GPT Number Start End Size File system Name logo used in the parted mkpart command input help partition ,you can view the parted various command :( parted ) mkpart partition name ? ?1 types of file system ? ext2 FAT16 starting point ??1049k end point ?211m ( parted ) mkpart partition name ? ?2 types of file system ? ext2 ext4 starting point ??211m end point ?735m ( parted ) mkpart partition name ? ?3 types of file system ? ext2 ext4 starting point ??735m end point ?598GB is then set to boot partition partition 1 :( parted ) set 1 boot on partition finished print again ,harddisk partition information :( parted ) P Model: IBM ServeRAID M5015 ( SCSI ) Disk / dev / SDD: 599GB Sector size ( logical / physical ) :512B / 512B Partition Table: GPT Number Start End Size File system Name 1 1049kB 211MB 210MB 1 sign to start the 2 211MB 735MB 524MB 23 735MB 598GB 597GB 3 if the partition process a partition was wrong ,you can use RM + number to delete partition ,the input help can be found at .
Two .Use the LVM: here are some command :LVM vgscan ,UGG UK Sale,vgdisplay ,lvscan ,Vibram Shoes,pvscan .LVM part of the operation is divided in several steps: creating physical volume: lvm> ;pvcreate / dev / sdd3 Writing physical volume data to disk " / dev / sdd3" ;Physical ;volume " ;successfully created / dev / sdd3" ;to view the current volume group vgscan Reading all name lvm> ;physical volumes .
This may take a while... Found volume group " ;vg_chinaltcdragon" ;using metadata type lvm2 physical volume volume group to add lvm> ;vgextend vg_chinaltcdragon / dev / sdd3 Volume group " ;vg_chinaltcdragon" ;successfully extended to check this volume group logical volume lvm> which have lvscan ;ACTIVE / dev / vg_chinaltcdragon / lv_root inherit ACTIVE / dev / vg_chinaltcdragon / lv_home inherit ACTIVE / dev / vg_chinaltcdragon / lv_swap inherit vg_chinaltcdragon volume group described here has 3 logical volumes .
Add the physical volume to logical volume lvm> ;lvextend / dev / vg_chinaltcdragon / lv_home / dev / sdd3 Extending logical volume lv_home to 2.09 TiB Logical volume lv_home successfully resized logical volume lvm> lvscan check ;ACTIVE / dev / vg_chinaltcdragon / lv_root inherit ACTIVE / dev / vg_chinaltcdragon / lv_home inherit ACTIVE / dev / vg_chinaltcdragon / lv_swap inherit can see the / dev / vg_chinaltcdragon / lv_home the logical volume has increased in size .
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41.12 ( 17-May-2010 ) Filesystem at / dev / vg_chinaltcdragon / lv_home is mounted on / home on-line resizing ;required old desc_blocks = 100 ,new_desc_blocks = 134 Performing an on-line resize of / dev / vg_chinaltcdragon / lv_home to 561076224 ( 4K ) blocks .
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