
Vibram SaleJia

301: people living in Hong Kong, is not it can be buried in Guangzhou?
Living is not buried
302: There are two commonly used coin market, a total of six denominations hair, of which one is not a hair, what two coins of each denomination
How many?
not a cent, then the other one is the corner, so two and two is the corner angle
303: year, month, like some and 31 January said, but some, like the month of June, thirty said. What,
have twenty-eight said the total number of months that it?
said every month twenty-eight
304: motorcycle speed of 80 km, north on there wind speed of 20 km, will motorcycles smoke toward that side
to blow?
tram is no smoke
305: [Wolf!] what are the implications of this story gives?
can say the same lying second
306: There is a word, most of our small to read wrong, what is that word?
wrong 307: There are two pairs of mother and daughter, to the restaurant to eat lunch, were each called a $ 70 package, pay the bill when paying only 210 yuan Why
two pairs of mother and daughter is the mother of Cho, the mother and three daughters, the three meals they just pay the money
308: a truck driver who hit the motorcycle, truck driver was seriously injured, while the motorcyclist failed something, what is even
Division truck driver was just shopping, not in the driver's truck
309: a man wearing a helmet, tied above a fan, left hand holding a fan, right hand holding a water bottle, wearing < br> skates, will he go there?
to a mental hospital
310: Wen Wen in the laundry, but for a long time to wash her clothes or dirty, and why?
she is someone else in the wash clothes
311: When, four minus one equals five?
a quadrilateral type, four horns, cut an angle equal to five angle
312: Amin to a large mosquito bite a small package, does the larger package, is a public mosquito bite, or female mosquito bites?
male mosquito does not bite
313: Police found an intelligent murder scene was not leaving no clues, no witnesses, but an hour later the police announced in
solve the case, why
Because brother surrendered to police their own hands
314: with a stick to it shorter, but not saws break, break or cut short, how to do?
find another stick and root it is relatively longer, it will be shorter
315: what more wash more dirty?
water 316: Xiao-Ming wrote to his girlfriend every day, sent a total of seven, but his girlfriend Jenny, only received a
letter every day, why?
because Bob has seven girlfriends
317: what you do, one eye open one eye intersessional better?
318: cake box, there are four, four children, are assigned to a person, but the box remained next quick cake for
one of the children taken away with the cake together with the box, so there is a box cake
319: When, Times Square, the bell will ring 13 under?
the repair time
320: Mr. Wang kept a beautiful peacock, one day, Mr. Wang peacock garden, her husband, gave birth to an egg
, I ask only to be part of the egg Who?
321: what used to be put to dry, when wet out, and give people the warm satisfaction?
tea bag
322: What things, 6 inches long, 2 inches wide, above a small head,[url=http://www.vibrameu.com]Vibram Sale[/url], and a woman obsessed with it?
money 323: Women make love the most do not like to hear what words?
dear, I come back
324: big men in the urine .... guess a thing?
flowers [flower] Think about how to pronounce the English second child [help]
325: a woman playing a baby [idiom]?
Xuekoupenren people] [Xuekou spray
326: not in the set comfort?
said the establishment of self-defense because [comfort] Team 328: Junior hit the river to engage ==== [a] term of Chairman Mao?
child in Kawakami said. [read the last word ],[light, and out to take the white pulp [supplies] to play a saying often?
331: Kai-shek decumbens white bed [playing the : wedding night impotence [two bad guys to stay out. [said] daily activities?
334: long legs man [food]?
335: leggy women [cosmetics]?
336: strike [prostitutes] historical terms?
====< br> 337: clients stop prostitute] [terms of history?
against said goods
338: brothel opened [language] press?
welcome manuscripts [out]
339: brothels closed [language] history?
[male prostitute] Nanchang Uprising
340: hairy above, the following have hair, hair on the night to a hair. [guess people who things]?
341: what is the hardest? girls favorite, especially married women, but also love the.
342: a thing, Asians short, the West's long, married men and woman can use this stuff, and there is not but
's name
343: lick too hard, do not lick also hard, like comfortable sleep, first rubbing it [what] people who are dental
344: a dark, thick, and hard to stick inserted into the hole, feeling nice and warm, until out of the future, guests
To pay for friends [an industry]
grilled sugar cane
345: my heart is like, well like, so excited, want to death, the results of the hole and then slowly started coming out of the water [a]

idiom coveted
346: most want to do after work, what a hard and long, straight inserted into the hole, fast, then one or two
enough. otherwise they come out, plug it in. do not not give up [Note: should not happen that makes people do
insert random thing, or , will be in trouble, oh] to play one of the keys to open the door reads daily activities

347: Father asked Xiao Ming, something covered in beautiful plumage, wake you up every morning? Xiao Ming guessed it, But
is not chicken, what is it?
father every morning with a feather duster to Xiao Ming? fight. Xiaoming guess the feather duster
348: bookstore can not buy the book is the book?
349: there is one thing, you can take it with his left hand, right hand but can not get, What is this?
350: What water inexhaustible ?
your saliva
351: Aunt Zhang always say go on, she can speak at least a month, that is what month?
352: What not to fight the effort, and very comfortable?
353: In a strict monitoring of the examination, two students pay exactly the same papers. examiner found, and
not think they are cheating, What is the reason?
two papers are the quiz
354: Bao was kept in a closed room, only one door, but their efforts have not opened the door, ask Bao
How to get out of this room then?
Bao pushed the door open to move out of this room
355: red and Mary are students, also lived in the same street, they always went to school together, but each Sky out of the house to go on a
a left and a right to go, this is how it happened?
with their relative's house is
356: two pairs of father and son to buy a hat, why only buy three?
three generations
357: What you killed animals it has shed your blood?
358: a person walking on the beach, back to why the invisible their own footprints?
359: Every couple has an absolute in life in common, what is that?
that same year married the same month and said
360: Adam and Eve is the biggest regret after marriage what?
no one drink wedding
361: Wake up, everyone will do the first thing is?
362: newspaper on the message board is not necessarily one hundred percent true, but what is absolutely false messages can not?
newspaper of the year, month, said 363: year-old Xiao Ming always liked to alarm the whole family bad, my mother Why do so Dad will not repair watches for repair on behalf of
mother the father repair Xiaoming
364: pig body is a treasure, has proved very useful, pigs to humans, what use?
can be used to curse,[url=http://www.vibrameu.com]Vibram Sale[/url], as stupid as a pig, idiot, etc.
365: Wang is a good soldier, one day when he was on duty at the guard, clearly see the enemy quietly over to touch him, as
What he has an eye, close one eye?
he is aiming
366: Liu is a very ordinary person, why even be ten consecutive hours without a blink of an eye?
367 : ice into water is the fastest way?
remove two water
368: in today's society, the self-employed mostly rely on to eat?
mouth 369: Please put your average ten to nine horses a Maquan years, and let each Maquan in the same number of horses, how to divide?
the nine horses kept in a circle and then set out nine in the circle circle
370: a kinds of local expertise to teach the bad guys, but none dared the police to take action against it, which is what
Detention Center
371: I will not dodge,[url=http://www.vibrameu.com]Vibram Sale[/url], with one foot resting on the egg, the eggs are not broken, why?
other foot standing on the ground
372: Why is glowing with the first meeting to assert Zhuangzhuang Zhuangzhuang grew up drinking milk?
Zhuangzhuang is a sheep
373: priests presided over the ceremony in any case can not be what?
own funeral
374: red and her mother are in the same school class, which is why? < br> Mother is red the class teacher
375: What happens when you obviously do not have to be punished?
376: Wang whose work requires constant communication and entertainment, although very early every day home, can the wife or complain constantly, which is even
him every morning to go home
377: What the official is not only not receive paychecks, but also asked people to eat?
378: an old old man only three hairs on his head, one day he was to attend an important event, and why he still reluctantly pulled a hair which
because he has to comb carved
379: an elephant, said the sentence after listening to the ants, they passed out?
I have, and it is your
380: Xiaoming know the answer papers, but also frequently to see why the students? < br> because Bob is a teacher
381: a student living in the school, why go to school often late?
home school where the school is not his school
382: What has five heads, but people do not It does feel strange?
hands, feet 383: What more angry, it will be greater?
384: What is the main cause of divorce?
385: What when someone knocked on the door, you never say Come?
in the toilet
386: ten birds in the forest, Xiao Ming shot and killed one, the other nine but we could not fly away, and why ?
387: a woman divorced a few times before playing a four-character idioms
[power] to make the public gas
388: surgery for heart failure, the doctor asked the patient what is about to expire last words To explain, what do you think he would say?
fact, you do not know my heart
389: a hungry cat came from beside a fat rat, why would only actually indifferent to the hungry cat walk It's way
, did not even see the mouse?
blind cat encountered dead rat
390: Why do black people like to eat white chocolate?
afraid to eat their own fingers
391 : magnifying glass can not enlarge what it is?
392: What kind of wheels do not just turn away?
windmill wheels
393: confused fox best man, then what ; men and women with the fans?
394: one pair of healthy couples, why give birth to babies without eyes?
395: Lin wants to know after major surgery for an artificial heart. disease is cured, her girlfriend was soon to break, why
it so?
did not really love her
396: If tomorrow is the end of the world said, why some people want to commit suicide?
to heaven seats
397: farmer raised 10 head of cattle, why only 19 angle?
just because a rhino
398: Pangniu sick, afraid to visit the sick when people say?
take care
399: When you boast your strengths to others, while others will know what you?
know you're not dumb
400: a hungry, ferocious cat, to see the mouse, Why are call legs run?
call leg chasing mice
593 个 Riddles problem
----< br> Date: February 22, 2006 [Edit entry: psyzhl]
401: They told Adam did not say how buttoned her clothes, but she did not care, why?
only because her clothes no zippers buttons
402: The old maid has been his way to work on time, found by a man tracking, hearts of jing, and when she rushed to the office
room, quite unexpectedly late, and why?
because that tracker too slow
403: What people do not like eat?
404: To make the dream become a reality, the first thing we will be doing what?
405: a plane full of people, from ten thousand meters high-altitude fall crash, why was not a victim?
not injured, have killed a
406: Police face two thugs, but he left a bullet, he said criminals: Who Who hit move, but the results did not move the
suffer bullet, why?
because they do not move well to play
407: fat is quite well known diver, but one day, he stood platform on, but did not dare to jump this
pool that day because there is no water
408: windy night, power outages, and Xiaoxiao forget to go to bed candle, the next day wake up, candles actually have a very long without burning
finished, how is it?
the wind blew out the
409: If you have a golden egg hen, you should how to do?
hit a dozen own mouth, do not make dill a
410: Pan Jie Ying stand on the human scale, why only a pointer pointing to 5?
pointer has turned around the
411: What is more annoying than a crow?
big mouth
412: Why did the police turn a blind eye to the red light bus driver?
car drivers walk
413: There are of identical twin brothers, brother's ass with mole, and his brother did not, but even the twins
wearing the same dress, some people still can immediately know who is my brother, who is the younger brother. Who is it?
the twins themselves < br> 414: Mr. Xu made a big mistake when he was in front of his wife, dig pocket the moment, some of the bag bar matches
box, the horse is not winning votes, and the lover of old photographs, etc., are scattered to his apart in panic, in order to avoid quarrels
, hands the thing from cover. ask him cover up what it is that the most effective?
cover his wife's right eye and left eye
415: A policeman has a younger brother, but his brother was denied a brother, and why?
because it is the police woman
416: Why are there socks bought a hole?
how not to wear into holes
417: names
condom ---- hit a header
418: the bath together ---- to fight a man of military supplies
419: crotch firecrackers --- - a bomb hit a military supplies

420: a woman playing a foreign somersaults ----
Babylon [city name] to force the whirl
421. we do not want what?
422. What most people do not stand the cold?
423. There is a great site that offers online anti-virus, software, music, MTV, etc., why have few people go
Because people know too little
424. is not always a dog a bath, why not students lice?
dogs puppy
425. What no chicken wings?
426. neighbors hear his family's why sometimes the roof leaks, and sometimes not leaking?
rain leakage, it does not rain does not leak
427. what gun to dislodge people do not hurt?
game with the gun
428. Mr. Wang to 16 floors to talk business, but he only take up to 8 floors, and then walk up the stairs, and why?
Mr. Wang is so short, by less than 16 floor elevator button
429. When you talk about what it's name, put it broke?
430. bag filled with 2 balls to remove all the red balls outside, remove two other are yellow, except two outside are blue
, asked a few bags ==== ball?
three balls
431. There was a high wall to climb sixty snail foot wall, climb during the day every day if it is 5 feet, 3 feet at night they slide down, and asked how many days it
need to climb the wall at the top of it?
twenty-nine said, because it was the last day jump to top of the wall,[url=http://www.vibrameu.com]Vibram Sale[/url], so it will not slide down feet
432. a bunch of watermelon, half half half half half less than half, this pile of watermelon how many?
433.321 , there is a bag with n balls only, take ball rule is: every time out of n / 2 只 ball, and then went, put
back pocket a ball. take a 567 times after the bag only The remaining two balls. Then, at the beginning how many bags of the original ball?
2 只 ball
434. what is the world's largest?
the eyelids, as long as the eye closed, the whole world It was covered
435. you can use the left hand circular motion, draw the right hand square it?
draw a square with the right hand first, then the left hand circular motion on it
436. day, the length of the clock how many times the needle completely superimposed?
they are different lengths, it is impossible to completely fold and
437. One night, A king at home reading a interesting book, and his wife turn off the light, although the house dark, A
king still Shoubushijuan, read with relish. What is truth?
A king is blind, he read a Braille book
438. Jane will not do any housework, temper and bad, why he desperately urging parents to marry her?
its purpose is to Jiahuoyuren
439. acquired before that the day after tomorrow, yesterday is yesterday's Tai Houtian, in the end is the day?
440. Xiaoqiang met a very polite to talk to the teacher, and why it allows the teacher angry?
tryst with his girlfriend because the teacher is
441. what not to eat melons?
fool < br> 442. something like your left ear?
your right ear
443. what the mouse is only two feet?
fans rats
444. a building fire, a lot of people watching , no one alarm, and why?
a fire drill
445. a prisoner about to be executed, his greatest wish before dying is what?
not bullets
446. stockade which people up?
447. the same content of the book, why buy two small Gaoyao while?
given away
448. What people do not like to eat?
449. cry and laugh have in common?
are ten strokes
450. Pharaoh and women are together all day, but respectable, and why?
because he is a gynecologist < br> 593 个 Riddles problem
----< br> Date: February 22, 2006 [Edit entry: psyzhl]
451. Pharaoh why does love have been around fifty years old woman turn?
Pharaoh to sell cosmetics
452. eat snacks when Wang heaviest 50 kg, but the lightest at only 3 kg, and why?
it was when he was born
453. got into the money in the eyes of the people eventually will happen?
will eventually die
454. today reported sales of 100 Wu sell newspapers, but only a few cents income, and why?
he was selling the old newspapers
455. What people laugh and cry?
456. stuff and a car speeding from the collision, the car was damaged, and he emerged unscathed Why?
toy car collided with a vehicle
457. Read the first grade stuff not studied foreign language, why would write foreign words?
he wrote the Arabic numerals
458. women unknowingly missing out what it is?
459. Zhang twenty years has been the sale of counterfeits, why do we think he is a good person?
Zhang is sold wig [dentures]
460. Mr. Chang is an outstanding novelist, and why he once wrote for a month straight, and even a novel written in the subject are not
his current I did not write novels, written in prose
461. who often gave people do not wear their shoes to wear?
shoe people [do not forget he has to wholesale shoes]
462. Why are married people first wedding photos? [answer] with a phrase
hit it off
463. what show everyone acted?
464. what day walking non-stop?
465. Is there any way to make themselves look forever young?
see photos
466. what kind of flowers the invisible?
467. what more and more money ?
468. what kind of bell does not ring?
469. the bus, two people are warm conversation, crowd of people can not hear a word, but, This is because even
This is a pair of deaf
470. something called the twice?
upper lip and lower lip
471. a place where asking for trouble?
472. what the strong do not when?
473. How can red with a blue pen to write to?
write a Little Mo is a notoriously anti-king to take the brand name, why he can go unpunished but fame and fortune than receive it?
He specializes in celebrity to imitate the action on television and sound
476. an ant actually from Qingdao Shanghai climbed, may do?
ants crawling on the map
477. Xiaoming spent a full ten hours in the history books, it can still call him the next day my mother not hard, why?
he the textbooks as a pillow to sleep
478. In addition to cooling other than air conditioning, but also to do what?
for heating
479. people willingly buy fake what it is?
wig [dentures]
480. a person under what circumstances, it is really the point of being trampled upon?
on the operating table when
481. a person is pursued tiger suddenly in front of a river, he could not swim, but he passed, why
482. poor little light of foreign languages, and why he and others said a special say?
and understand a foreign language to speak
483. a family of four brothers, four of them take up the individual's age is 14, what is most their own age?
is 1,1,2,7, where a pair of twins
484. street, a man looked up standing. next to what people think the sky good-looking things, and went to the day
point. the sky nothing can you guess how that person say?
finally stopped my nosebleed
485. usually after dinner dishes are my father, my father today Why can not the dishes after dinner?
today is to eat in restaurants rice
486. there is one thing, increase the time to fall, down will go up when you know what you?
487. Xiaogang picked up three wallet to the police uncle , and uncle did not recognize him, why?
others throw away his pick is a bad purse
488. what is the most easily drag?
489. When the first ray of sunlight shot into windows, Zhang got up, but the family still called him What is the newspaper report?
491. small sea never unhappy to see why the comic?
small sea was deaf
492. my father bought a pen, but can not write, and why?
is the electric pen
493. There is a boat did not have to water, and why or boat?
the spacecraft
494. What leisure activities are very pleased to above, the following pain, a hard top, under the blood do not want to
495. When will see the most stars?
was hit eight elements were seven dirty when
496. East East said he was hung upside down can easily put a cup filled with water, and do anything to block the mouth of the bottle, he
how to do it?
the cup upside down in a basin filled with water
497. Maia bought a new stereo, power on the tapes are put, why not voice it?
due to power outages
498. why the glass is not made of wood, and Why?
only because of her dress zippers, no buttons
500. the kind of cattle do not eat grass?
593 个 Riddles problem
----< br> Date: February 22, 2006 [Edit entry: psyzhl]
501. I do not know what day to know, you know I know?
shoes Polegedong
502. Why Ah-wearing new No holes in the raincoat, but still get wet?
because the weather was hot, his sweat
503. a man to go abroad, and why the people around him almost all Chinese people?
foreigners come to China
504. tree ten birds, killing one, left a few?
a no, were scared to fly
505. who only a year on day of class?
506. Why did the police turn a blind eye to the red light bus driver?
car driver was not driving, he's red light break yesterday
507. earthworms cut into teacher said two can still regenerate, according to the teacher, then do Xiaodong, earthworm is dead, why?
Xiaodong the earthworm in half vertically and cut a
508. Why is the summer than in winter often long?
Huang still shrink Well
509. sick, injections with medication, what kind of a pain?
bacteria more painful
510. fools fall from a hot air balloon, but not injured, why?
not take off
511. no one word which can not be written the word?
513. what split, the use of sophisticated instruments can not find crack?
514. who all tell tales?
515. the fastest way to fire off what is ?
meters of altitude fall, how the dead?
518. the location of where the truth?
truth everywhere
519. Xiaoming like a dream come true, what is the best way he ?
not wake up
520. have had students say the elderly, people wish him long life, why the old man immediately cast him out?
because that old man is over 99-year-old students said
521. What tree did not leaf?
522. in front of a bunch of grass, behind a pile of grass, you see what flowers?
not spend
523. fried rice, or your expensive? < br> Suddenly
524. There is a articulate, why not speak of his friends to see it?
his friend is the man to take photos
525. what the dynasty most clean?
526. How can we not buy a chicken egg?
buy duck
527. the world's largest rooster come from?
528 . Cihai have words?
529. a man not looking for lost donkeys head, but kept shouting;
Fortunately, he did not sit, or he has lost. halo!!!
530. guests brought strawberries, babe clamoring to eat strawberries, can my mother why the family did not strawberry?
guests are sent a picture
531. newspapers and television news What's the difference?
reading the newspaper can package fritters, TV can not
532. a wolf has been hungry to see a long- sheep, but immediately fled. Why?
sheep behind the tigers
533. What people do not stand the cold?
534.1 cock and hen, hen guess words .2 and chicken, a rooster and chicken .3 guess five words, guess seven words.
two chickens, or chickens, or chickens stupid
535. a mosquito flew grandmother's forehead , the grandmother did not move move, why the mosquito is dead?
grandmother's wrinkles were strangled chant!
536. smoker 50 cigarettes a day, pumping, pumping 30 cigarettes a day smoker .5 B years later, the smoker than the smoker B smoked a cigarette smoked also
more, why?
because the smoker smoked a cigarette because too many dead.
537. the world's largest potato where long ?
538. What is the middle of the Pacific?
level 539. There is a line only to see, how and intangible, and why?
540. not a plane taking off How long it exploded, but no one on the plane were injured Why?
all dead
541. acne long where you have to worry about?
someone else's face
542. an aircraft hit the mountain, does no one was injured. Why?
it is a toy plane
543. two fathers and two sons to the shop to eat, the waiter only to the three packages, and why?
two a father is the grandfather in another is a father, a father with two sons in the other grandfather
544. an office is very simple, often when it rains the rain drops in the workforce. But one day , under the rain, but did not work
for staff to be a washout with,[url=http://www.vibrameu.com]Vibram Sale[/url], and why?
because that day is the weekend, no one to work
545. the language used on many of the world, then what would the world-wide the most?
546. Xiaoming left to grab something, why do we still happy for him?
because Xiao Ming in football
547. Xiaoming 4 meters to place an egg thrown , why no eggs broken it?
eggs at 4 meters, had not the ground
548. What people hear the music will keep hands shake?
548 command performance . how to use a dollar for a hundred dollars?
to call home for money
550. who knows how to sky stars?
551. even things that can not move forward go, can not go back?
552. What most people stomach?
prime minister, as prime minister goes to punt
553. What is China's domestic rich?
answer: jade, people become ghosts?
wine, alcoholic
556. When the moon does not shine?
the moon is not that light
557. Why Grandpa Wang wipe the table, how clean is not clean?
Grandpa's glasses because the king took
558. There are 10 birds, killed one, the other nine Why not fly?
because it is a group of ostrich
559. a company called his friends snacks, 560. Li salary is very low, but why spend big bucks every day?
he is silver ... Related articles:

