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Face some music to sing like crazy, their parents must see in the eyes, however, some singing tone deaf in the eyes of the parents can make noise that is, the psychological development of children in the period, if once the parents, Even if you are their parents, they are no face, so you should praise the child, so that they continue to work hard for our children grow up healthy, you will be Parents say)
love music music fanatic, now I will teach you a good idea to let you sing nice songs!!!
1. First of all, to sing how to pronounce?
such as: singing
simple teaching pronunciation skills such as: What is the proper pronunciation of singing?
such as: different styles of music have different ways of sound, R & B style songs sound characteristic you have any tips? < br> example: I find that I usually use this person whispered a cappella songs, when some relatively nice, but once it will be difficult to listen to loud singing voice
relax, because I am usually very thick throat, in order to meet some of the songs had to Houlongniexi one o'clock, so that the Shihoubudan difficult to Gao Yin Chang Shang Qu, Changdeyehen hard, Fanerzhuyi Budaozenme sample to Yan Yi Zhe song, Qing adequate guidance Zhidian.
answer; pronunciation singing start to have to find a proper teacher, this will not make you take a lot of detours, although everyone will sound; but not a simple science. As falsetto exercises; the most basic way to follow the drama in the shouting voice; mainly voice-based closed; such as The answer; because it is a relatively popular form of music, so RB and no special sound features, but it originated in the black, so black that unique voice pronunciation feature is that it probably had it.
RB false Sound is one of the most prominent voices, such as popular BABYFACE, USHER, they are sometimes part of the chorus to sing falsetto, makes a kind of slippery feeling fine stream key is, they are all top singers singing , when the vocal cords singing falsetto almost no leakage, it is difficult to be done for.
answer: is abdominal breathing when you feel like a gas balloon to close in, the abdominal cavity is the drum; exhale the air from inside the abdominal cavity spit it out. sing out of gas when the front teeth have rushed feeling. Do not use chest breathing.
answer: many of my friends have such regrets: unless it is in art school students in the school issued a school book, there is no vocal in the market for sale of books and I believe a lot of friends who are personal experiences like singing because I just started to learn to sing, they also encountered this problem, then also because they do not know where to learn and distress, please voice teacher to death your right tuition and now I have some foundation in vocal music, and I want to sing some of my experience and skills to finally get the contents of books tell you, I believe we must be used But keep the girls in this regret to say, but also embarrassed.
There are a lot of friends have mentioned his ties in the process of vocal problems, many problems are very basic, I roughly summarize, compared to the specific issues most clear answer.
1. resonance: There are many ways you can achieve, but not specifically looking for is correct. Some sound no problem opening encounter. resonance is also very good , closed sound will not do, in fact, his fame is deliberately out of practice, is tight, when you encounter a problem when a closed sound.
2. breathing: This is almost all students have a problem, not breathing do not practice, practice does not OK, is the most basic of vocal learning problem, the solution is through a feeling of reading, the state of breathing exercises, but the feelings are real breathing necessarily in this state used in concert.
3. throat: specifically the practice is harmful to the open throat, the throat is open and there is a relationship between the bite of the word, the word number is how much open to change, there is no more open issues specifically specifically, So the problem is through the throat natural reading solution.
4 Location: the sound location is important, but alone by stabilizing the throat to practice is difficult to solve. The best way is from the music's emotional stability, because location of the instability is caused by changes in mood, emotional stability is the stability of the position, and emotions have a certain relationship with the breathing.
vocal on the need to solve two problems:
1. pronunciation is normal, to extend the To maintain a normal state. correct pronunciation will open the throat and resonance to solve the problem.
2. emotions are real, the emotions on the official position and breathing problems can be solved. to solve these problems, vocal music but also what it?
In addition, we remind to give attention to points if some friends want to sing popular songs, the occurrence of bird can use vocal skills,[url=http://www.beatsbydresale.org/]beats tour[/url], rather than using the full vocal. well, just start singing friend not the General Assembly with the atmosphere, in fact, this can be resolved by blowing pieces of paper: a branch with a line to hang, plug in height, and then stood outside the front of a 1.5 m piece of paper blowing, until his head a bit dizzy on the line the. (then brother taught me this method is that blown dizziness on the line,[url=http://www.drdreheadphonesonline.org/]Beats Headphones[/url], did not say asked how, I feel that every time the height of the paper to blow less) if we can breath and learn well, some will treble easy before. Oh. Well, stop here, after all of us want to sing all these helpful
2. how overtone singing?
such as: is listening to others sing, they are often in the last When a word when the sound seems to pull the sound will shock, good to hear!
answer: it is given by the first cavity resonance parapet, to more training! easy to say, need to practice! your first correct pronunciation can be out!
3. singing pronunciation problems?
such as: how the singing voice can sound sing the high below to go to how true and false transitions how to open throat?
answer: voice is the most important open throat homework, practiced and, be sure to open the throat, although each person's throat open methods vary, but here provide one of the most practical method of open throat, whether it will open the throat, you can try. outset when the sound began to climb from under the scale, with a l r Ming is better, has been unable to sing the low chest voice up; then change the sound Sino-climb scale, to the best of r l ah, sung straight no longer high up; pronunciation of the third paragraph is just to sing from the lowest note, all the way to climb to the highest tone scale. sound at least once a day, if not singing, it should open throat.
4. Some of little experience singing pronunciation
Answer: First talk about the pronunciation of falsetto. I have the gas lines are weak, so an to the treble part of the natural transformation on the use of the falsetto singing, the beginning will indeed be allowed to draw the line , take the gas leak will often occur in this case, I conclude, to use the larynx to withstand the ceiling, the ceiling has been feeling the vibration, it can be a more natural sounds of the falsetto, but the chest should be ensure room air, so as not to suddenly breathe, of course, these small TIPS may be more practical in the field, we can make some of our post-modification.
fast songs and then talk about electronic sounds. to say to the fast songs, then e Now IrVE and early Namie Amuro and AYUMI that should be counted as such can be. overview of some of the previous Japanese singer pronunciation, we can see that pronunciation is very similar, SPEED's Hiroko singer island bags are all sound and AYUMI extremely fine lines, and their pronunciation are totally issued from the throat in the past, so that people can be very pronounced indeed outbreak, perhaps in line with the song gives the feeling of the sentiment, but this pronunciation is very hurt voice, over time to develop such a pronounced way, is likely to lead to deep throat thicker (YJ sound of hhh). and we usually refer to the general pronunciation should gather pubic region gas, big bang explode. Amano can refer to the specific month of JJ The song sounds way, people feel very thick high, not harsh, emboldened very reliable, so the correct electronic pop music in particular, the correct pronunciation should be fast songs and singing before a deep breath, to the sounds of the time, as In the course of the air singing a little bit of spit, the sound is slightly tightened in the first paragraph before the end of the abdomen to maintain a tight closing (MM Oh, they note that you can lose weight!) has its special electronic fast songs, the melody more fast, speed is also faster to sing the lyrics, sometimes unclear pronunciation ventilation shall not be treated there will be a big tongue of the situation, in fact, there is a very effective solution, is to rinse with water before singing about the mouth, but can not drink water (see below Speaking), we can try, in fact, I think it is the effect of mouth to stimulate the function of tongue movement (may not be professional, do not know what the term expression).
followed that the next song and lyric sheet in the pronunciation ways which are on the genre in the sense of melody is very similar, giving the smooth line slowly, such as the River Flows sense, so it should be our interpretation of the song and melody in the same sense, with his right, not urgent not dry, like Lisa Ono, Matsuzawa genre of expertise from the United States are the characteristics of such, while we listen to the pronunciation of breath very strong singer, sound tends to color. interpretation of these works, the first is feeling, understanding of the work; second pronunciation should be issued to the impression from the throat, feeling like fast songs pronunciation is washed up, this distinction is more important after which is the tail of moderation, rather than the short suddenly disappeared, and is the need to prolong a few seconds, and deep throat with a slight sense of shock and then gradually becomes lighter, lighter. In fact, for the early years of this tail is the originator of Aunt Teresa, who has asthma, similar to a long people can sing it flutter sound ah ~~~~~.< br> 5. singing in front of some small taboo, we can as a reference:
answer: (1) can not eat before singing - one may ask how can there not to eat effort, of course not tell you to sing hungry, of course, eat meals in 30 minutes at least to sing, do not believe we can try it ha ~
(2) singing can not drink - we all know, this may , due to sing in the congestion zone during the period when the body so the body's blood vessels to bring will be very sensitive to water at this time will result if the blood circulation of the blood vessels, the consequences we can imagine, and then sing the vocal cords are very edgy feel, if severe it will be accompanied by a sense of burning heat, cold white can not drink the more open, if you want to become witches voice, then, hehe hhhhh
(3) during the recording time to find a quiet
6. words to sing, how with chest or abdominal pronunciation?
such as: talking to sing, how to use the chest or abdominal pronunciation
answer: You say that singing is not in the pronunciation of oh, ah, you first depress the larynx or throat make the sound deep and strong, to find this feeling, you try the natural, open feeling of breath throat straight from the pubic region after the jets overhead, pay attention to the throat do not let rigid as possible, I believe you will find a sense of bel canto.
7. point-like praise-singing falsetto it?
such as: In fact ... on the falsetto, he has always been demanding good strictly their own good .... but not practicing in a row Miedu no sun ..... all the same over a D friend ... but no one discussed the brother know ... fake sound system actually works ... baa? point-like falsetto before it can sing well? want a bit more than D views of handsome boys & girls, ah
answer: learning should pay attention to popular issues singing for singing pop songs
, the so-called scientific method of voice is the voice of nature, will not be too tired to sing a long time, the vocal cords lesions does not occur, he and U.S. folk sound is fundamentally sound different, but needs to learn the basic skills of each folk sound. vocal resonance and breath sounds about folk, pop concerts in the atmosphere is the most important thing, not too focused on resonance, as sound, it mostly to play my sound characteristics, The electro-acoustic resonance depends mainly on the help, so that the sound is pop science flavor of effort is essential. there is no breath support, as a frame of the machine power supply, it can not well control the sound the length of the strength, you can not use a good vocal organs, it will consume too much of his vocal cords, resulting in the production of disease, this sound is unscientific. As for the other side of it, is dependent on your musical knowledge of your music and your sense of perception of the.
pop music is in fact not too focused on resonance,[url=http://www.uggclearancemall.com/]UGG Clearance[/url], because he has the help of electro-acoustic, even if you only have a little voice, through sound, but also can result in significant volume, Some singers sound in pursuit of individual conscious will voice the resonance distracted by some of the nasal cavity, but this is another problem. As do not know how to pronounce, how will the vibrato, the key is to see you sing too mysterious, In fact, singing is really not so unfathomable, and many more well-known singer and the initial conditions is no different from you, no one taught him how to sing, say teachers do not even how to teach a person will not sound. In fact no one that can not sing, unless you are dumb. the most important thing is do not fear the tiger scared the wolf before, and would like to sing you boldly sing Do not be afraid fool of myself, no one can guarantee a lifetime does not make a fool of himself no one will be able to start singing very good, and only dare to sing sing sing better and better. listen to me, and quickly take action, like the more singing, singing school, singing and Wu , conditional Zaibai a teacher can.
pitch and pitch problems, it is recommended to buy some of the best books on music theory learn their best and then there is a musical instrument, such as guitar, harmonica or something, there is , to buy a better piano here is not to say the knowledge of music theory, but singing tone from the time the problem is indeed important, whether you sing better, since transfer from poorly can affect your play, so singing tone from the first to find out when the song where the highest tone and contrabass, and then ask yourself the highest and lowest note in which, you know how high the tone right from your own up.
too emotional when singing into found that the ear is not sensitive when not singing, as if something plugged, mainly when it is put into the blood circulation to your brain, your ears this time the sound pressure will change, resulting in abnormal hearing. a lot of people have a similar problem, which is never wrong, but if you perform on stage, then this is a problem, many people will find that the performances on stage, then if you put too much, pitch hearing will be greatly reduced, or even out of tune, the audience the audience will think this actor is very poor. In fact, this adjustment only state actors, generally speaking, the actors both on stage excitement up, but can not be carried away, out of control, or the consequences of what I said, this is also a experience, especially inexperienced actor, on stage a little better control your own emotions, not too much body movements, unstable or prone to sound out of tune these phenomena.
Many songs have a lot of vibrato, tremolo some people do not know how to send and now have a lot of singers sing vibrato, tremolo should like flavor when cooking, be concise. As for how to sing vibrato is out, very simple, each singing a long tone or sentence of the end of the sentence, the conscious control of the abdomen to do a slight vibration, natural singing voice is vibrato out.
8. tone deaf how to do?
such as: children often appear in singing No high and low points, how should parents do?
A: The put the child to listen to the song, and then singing along, conditions can also let the children learn a musical instrument. cappella parents not to let children songs, choose songs recitation, pay attention to pronunciation and intonation, the ability to improve the pitch.
A: tone deaf is a congenital, is part of the throat shape and muscle deficiencies. generally difficult to change. acquired through the speakers rather than the correct headset to sing or listen to recordings of their own to correct the occurrence site, the effect is very good, and insist on a period of time Intonation will be significantly improved. people hear their own voice is transmitted through the ear bone, others listen to your voice is transmitted through the air, so tone deaf people singing out of tune he does not know. according to my method to test, very workable.
9. how to correct the tone deaf?
Answer: This is to talk about the with the West are different, such as with the Western music scale in comparison with the seven words, the ancient Chinese music ; of course, the ancient music of the pentameter in a roll-call, not with Western music ;; more ancient then use the microphone, cable, pull the ; idioms of.
(2) structure is different for each person's vocal cords, so sound is not the same.
While some people tone deaf, but professionally trained, beautiful voice, as can be issued.
(3) , said the song, not the high and low points, does not enter the transfer.
3, singing tone fluctuated, not allowed to sing the melody of the composition of each sound.
4, children are not allowed to Mandarin pronunciation, affect the pitch when singing.
(4) to correct sing an entirely different tune. Adults can play music or songs with a tape recorder up to hear the children singing along, conditions can let the children learn a musical instrument, let the children, playing, listen, sing, listen to sound bombs and singing voice is as accurate.
2, parents should not let the children a cappella songs.
3, Mandarin pronunciation, such as children, parents, children recite select some songs, pay attention to when reading the pronunciation and intonation to help children improve their ability to pitch.
4, choose the songs for children, enabling them to sing in a natural sound area, so more conducive to raising children to sing quasi-sound.
In fact, I have a good way to front the piano to sing the pitch has been back from a singing, and then 1 # Do not miss these semitone when you can hear the bass and treble relationship between 8 degrees, and some high bass changes, such as 135, which, if you can listened very accurate, I guess you sing very accurate
5 more practice, learning to sing various songs
singing the word large force, (gas) Qingchang up, and then stable force.
practice their lung capacity, more swimming, more running! look at some of the music video, look at the other singers to sing the mouth, imitation ! more singing, more practice
best to find a professional teacher, guide us, we will not go astray, and does not damage the vocal cords, do not pay attention to sing more with their vocal cords, let the voice of their own far from the stable, note the use of breath, otherwise it would cocoon
vocal students singing is an art, in order to improve the performance of the song the ability of children should be given training in their singing skills, training include: singing posture, breath , voice and pronunciation, and other requirements.
one, correct singing posture
singing posture is not only a singer's performance a good attitude, but also related to the use of breath, singing resonance of the regulation and the effect of the training should enable students to develop good singing habits, so that two head-God, jaw adduction, straight neck is not tight, spine straight, closing slightly lower abdomen,[url=http://www.uggoutletmallonline.com/]UGG Outlet Online[/url], lower back stable.
II. sang in the respiratory
first inspiration, doing breathing exercises, the first concert to do the right posture, keeping back straight, chest and shoulders loose width, head freely, watching the distance from the inner face to face are full of affection, then, Song Zhang, allow natural gas, smooth the above action.
but when allowed to breath too deep, otherwise the chest, abdomen rigid, flexible voice and affect the accuracy of pitch, breathing, do not have sound, whereas the effect not only affects the art of singing, but also to deep breathing is not easy to affect the atmosphere of support, so, in their daily lives to develop costal expansion, abdominal micro-collection habits.
three, voice training is the singing voice of a comprehensive training in basic skills , learning to sing the most basic voice training must begin.
1, the fulcrum of the exercises to do to obtain breath, smoke and sound experience with the use of scientific methods of singing, understand and adjust their singing resonance.
2, Society opened his mouth to sing, the upper and lower teeth loosen, have lower Ba Songsong of vowels do not break even up to sing, while small to large oropharyngeal cavity open.
4, flavor with smooth, rounded smooth comfortable with the sound issue.
four, pronunciation, articulation and accurate, clear pronunciation
The purpose of the final analysis, in order to sing the song better, it must pay attention to pronunciation, articulation of clear, correct grasp of the language of the echo, clear language, the structure of Chinese law, the songs combine melody and pronunciation and articulation exercises. Lianchang time , in accordance with each word aloud rhyme pronunciation cited long way to go, read the first few times, combined with vocal exercises to words with sound, tried to enunciate, extremely rich, singing the vowel focal point, the sound should be as close as possible areas of focus, enabling the three sound zones of convergence and flexibility to adjust the resonance to be.
voice singing art is a combination of art and literature, songs we sing praises, can not talk about the sound, not talk about feelings, and vice versa does not work, we deal with the ideological content of the song, performance techniques as well as songwriter, song background, have a comprehensive understanding and analysis, then appropriate treatment, the song's artistic image reproduced accurately and completely, to the situation with sound, extremely rich.
how to sing treble
a human instinct
You heard singing the sad song rainy night blind girl, right? also heard the men and women happy folk duet, right? these people never received vocal training, all their songs also make you move, because they played a completely natural instinct to sing, I talk about in front of the respiration, phonation, resonance, pitch problems, all natural escape conditions, even with all the physical conditions, are based on naturally arising. Unfortunately, we often abandon this natural conditions, try to hard to find some that they are very sad thing.
singer in the singing, the throat of the role of corporations, but also about its effort in the singing, the larynx is completely spontaneous action, singers singing, to sing Music, vocal tension and oscillation frequency will be completely consistent with the idea. sound of course, when using the diaphragm, abdominal muscles, ribs, and other fast mouthpiece force. a newborn baby, do not know these things, but those who can forces with the very well when he cried, cried a lot; he laughed, the melodies will be issued. It is evident that there is a natural life would have the ability to freely and with a face to use our voice.
Second, the first call for treble to
we do any kind of sport, such as shot put, he must have held the power to afford the shot put. people who practice martial arts in order to increase the strength of hands and feet, first practice carrying water, hands and feet with the force only after the sword dance when you can fly out will not sell.
our vocal cords, to be able to resist the pressure brought to below, in order to pronunciation was asked, in the case of high pressure , the vocal sound of shouting will not happen, it will not be crying vocal cords? No, just to maintain the correct posture breathing and singing, shouting is not broken. As for the treble position and cover up the problem, you treble not shout it out how to set the location of it?
we start with the next shouted, half-tone up, # f2, g2, # g2 so far, into a set of five tones. Do not start crying too much, because come on your breathing and posture may not be singing to singing and correct, and so good with all aspects, may wish to call a number, etc. # g2 praises after, a2 is another way of breathing, we know that singing treble When we breath pressure with high-pressure way up, in fact, use this time to the waist in the air (see next section), with a waist of gas Hanhao the a2, re-use the same air shouting down b2.
Generally speaking, singing treble treble voices of the people are born, but we do nothing with it. has never been a girl vocal training, generally only sing f2, but when she suddenly encountered a terrible things, he can not help but scream, scream and this may reach highC of f3, but in any case she would not usually given to such a high tone, so do not have concerns, to boldly call for treble, call is more beneficial.
three, breathing and posture
if we have the opportunity to meet a very surprising thing while screaming uncontrollably, we must remember that the cry of the position, and then used to sing treble, you're right.
singing treble is different from singing bass, is the air pressure into a thin line, the impact of the vocal cords when the strength of the diaphragm has been used in the vertex, and can not pressure, you have to use Yao Li . Recall that lobe than the apex large, that is below than above the large,[url=http://www.beatsbydresale.org/2011-monster-headphones-c-8.html]Monster Headphones[/url], above the apex was ribs expand outwards. with Yao Li, is the first hand on his hips (when do not have to pay attention to the abdominal muscles, the inspiratory It will naturally play a role), the air sucked back around, feel the swelling around the waist up, and then come off the gas (Da port, see Figure VII), forced Bayao and ribs in a close to the chest up one, you will feel the pressure to suppress the palate, this is the way with Yao Li.
Recall, f2 - # g2 we use the contraction of the abdominal muscles to increase the pressure on the use of waist power to a2, to drop b2, because only a small amount of gas (but to use high-pressure gas), as long as the upper lip according to the way yawning open on the line, to reveal a little above the teeth, tongue, teeth flat on the following, will be able to sing down to the b2 by b2 drop over to highC more sound, and drop method is the same as b2.
cite an example here to illustrate the use of force produced by the waist to sing treble.
with waist to sing treble force, equivalent to a long-shaped balloons filled with air, the hand will pinch the lower half, then half of training on the fullness up, which is like a diaphragm has risen to the peak, can not rise again We will suck in the waist of the gas, then open the waist and below the ribs inward a close, chest elongation, as if the same role Yong Shounie balloon, resulting in a strong, rising air, which We want to use it to sing treble.
four, Close and cover
past learning to sing, when they sing the treble, will Close! was really China has also still in use due to confuse the true meaning of the Close, do not know how much harm tenor, has ruined a lot of good sound.
my opinion is to Close: Close the following resonance box, The open boxes above the resonance we need to sing treble when the first cavity resonance, it may have to raise soft cover, we open the upper lip, the purpose is to improve the soft-cover, but also with waist power to open the soft top cover. As for today there are those who use Close the interpretation, but are not the results. then went to Italy, ask a teacher, the answer is: we never heard of the Italian word. ask: above, to form a dome like the church as the space is filled with gas to make this space, so beautiful treble will be issued if the above does not open, the air can not go, where there are treble it? So, with ; cover up, above with a space, but also into the atmosphere.
five, the higher the more likely
When we got down b2, it should be said to have broken through the treble of the difficulties that can be easily sung b2, c3, # c3, d3, because to sing this way and sing a few notes down the method is not home to b2, respectively. singing down the throat has been opened when b2 was relatively small, because the mouth and throat, the more Da smaller, so do not fear of the higher tone is needed to support the rapid gas treble, and rapid gas is hard to breath through the usual exercises come.
six, pivot and lift with both hands as against
a stone bear, we stepped on the foot is down, since the land is hold up the role; our hands up to push, and stone bear is down the pressure. Thus, where there are four directions of the force, the foot and the ground had a confrontation, hand and stone bear has had a fight, we the human body is equal to column, abdominal breath and vocal cords are two of the fulcrum. breath going up the vocal cords were blocked, there are also against the problem. So, in singing the fulcrum of the lower abdomen with or without changes? If change is up or down? on this issue is controversial.
singing, the atmosphere kept trying to get out, column shorter and shorter, while the lower abdomen inward to come and help pressure the lungs produce a certain flow of air exhaled in such circumstances, how could the With the use of breath is not moving up it? But we must not forget that although the things, still can not get stretch his hand, then a box will result in the foot pad, if you still get vain, can only add a box, so that The following fixed it?
I heard a soprano solo in Singapore, she is making on behalf of Canada to tour the country, but she sang treble, the neck stretched long, people looked uncomfortable turned out she was designed to sing the German Lied, the German school of singing which stands for pump principle, the handle upwards to push the piston, the piston also will go up gradually to keep the pressure Flashlight, breath exhaled from the mouth tube, if the gas ... Related articles:

