
UGG OnlineFire and rescue instructor 122 hours continuous overwork death

our reporter Liu sound

contest of his life and fire and water, life seemed destined to vigorous. In the 19 years of military career, he again and again through fire and water, in the hundreds of water and fire, life and death test, the cast of the shiny life.

he is Song Wenbo, his lifetime of Shaoyang City Dongkou Fire Brigade chief. In June, 122 hours of continuous fighting flood, he caused cerebral hemorrhage due to overwork, died a heroic death. His life forever fixed in the 37 years of age.

natural barrier, since ancient times

Xuefeng mountain town of Dongkou Bao Wan Garden,UGG Clearance, surrounded by mountains, Sharpei river from the foot through the open area on one side only.

Bao Wan is typical of the Outbreak of the June floods had receded, but the village collapsed houses, fields dried up river silt and huge rocks, still silently record once the horror and danger, it's like to talk with Song Wenbo people left in this The brave and heroic.

6 8, continuous heavy rains cause the river surged in some areas within Dongkou, flash floods. Garden Town, Bao Wan, leading particularly heavy hit the village, houses collapsed and more than 200 people trapped by flooding, lives are at risk.

6 月 9 日 凌晨 2 when 35 minutes, Dongkou fire brigade received a rescue command. Think of the besieged people always potentially dangerous, Song Wenbo worried. He is suffering from hypertension, regardless of days of headache, even with no antihypertensive drug, led the 11 officers and soldiers formed flood commando fire, braved heavy rain to the Po Wan gallop.

night was torn a hole in lightning, heavy rain has slumped stop. Rapidly rising flood will drown the road leading to Po Wan, was not any too soon fire the wheel, the car had to slow down. Song Wenbo immediately decided to let the fire trucks parked on the roadside, he led troops pass, crosses, rushed to the Po Wan. At this point, leading to Bao Wan mountain spate of landslides, floods, mud and rocks down the hillside wrapped Zhixie down.

way, Song Wenbo around from time to time to encourage a few new soldiers: moving, Song Wenbo sprained left foot, walking difficulties. He did not tell his comrades, but strong Renzhaojutong, with indomitable perseverance, the fastest, led commandos rushed to the disaster.

When they arrived, the scene in front of people worried: the mountain flood washed away by the flood, a vast expanse of the entire village, 80 houses in different degrees of water, the flood is still rising rapidly; four pass to the cries of the people and the cries for help, and many people were still asleep, unaware of the impending disaster I do not know. Song Wenbo soldiers immediately divided into two groups, rushed into rescue.

Injured hard for 3 days and nights

recalled the night of the flood, 70-year-old Ms. Liu Hua Po Wan villagers still lingering fear: shouting 'water friends', got up and found the furniture at home drift up my wife sub-1 m 5, the water rose to her neck appeared to be so high I scared and his wife, helped each other the climb to the second floor of the platform. Liu Chinese couple seeking the same, almost to despair. At this time, outside the village a flashing points of light from far and near, folks who want to light up: the light. She said Song instructor not only put her back out, but also because she could not bear the big black pig at home, the soldiers rescued the pigs out.

door to door to search. Not find strong point, he let the two soldiers standing height, the rope on them, their Pathfinder with a stick into the water, groping in the water ahead, a rural search and rescue. As a long soak in the water, Song Wenbo's legs began to lose control, during which collapsed several times. He clenched teeth, to continue the fight.

high slope, in waist-deep water from house to house search for trapped people. wood and other badly bruises.

day, 8:54, Song Wenbo lead the successful soldiers back from the flood of seven elderly people and children, more than 220 people trapped in the safe transfer. protective boots to pull out, he reeled, fell to the rescue scene.

Since then, the Song Wenbo has led troops fighting for two consecutive days and nights in the relief front, not even time to look injured foot, but played a pain-killing injections, and immediately led troops to help victims clean up pollution mud, rescue food property, repair of housing, transport clean drinking water.

3 days and nights of continuous work, the Song Wenbo blood pressure rising. June 13, 7:50 am, Song Wenbo sudden end due to overwork hypertensive intracerebral hemorrhage, collapsed in the brigade camp. Battalion officers and men to be rushed to hospital emergency, at 4:30 on June 14, the hospital died, only 37-year-old Song Wenbo heroic sacrifice.

where he will fight the most dangerous where

Song Wenbo 19-year military career is a life filled with blood and fire of the resume. 19 years, he took part in the fighting than 500 fire and rescue,Moncler UK, rescue countless people in distress. A second fire fighting, emergency rescue again and again, cast his mind the people, loyal and reliable, the courage to act, the courage to sacrifice the contemporary soul.

hesitate to give their all.

Dongkou fire brigade officers and men to make the deepest impression is that every time an alarm sounds, Song Wenbo will quickly go to the garage, along with the police officers and men. Even as the group's instructor, he is still the case. In his words: In addition to unit five law enforcement officers, the squadron total of 13 cadres and soldiers, but it bears Dongkou 2184 square kilometers of land, 78 million people in fire safety and security burden is very heavy.

filed 10 years ago in a fire, Dongkou individual owner to the river is still very excited. Day at 3 am, the county seat hole Lin Yuan Hotel fire. The fire when he was squadron commander of the Song Wenbo selfless, led three soldiers braved choking smoke and raging fire into the fire, door to look for trapped people, several times came close to being smoke smoked down.

to Jiang told reporters that he was still in the house of mother and daughter, he rushed into the forest several times to Garden Hotel, but the fierce fire, smoke billowing, how to flush does not go. At this time, Song Wenbo came, apart from anything else, straight burst into flames in the smoke. Because the mother and daughter to the river hiding in the yard, the dark,UGG Online, Song Wenbo first pass did not find, in the family did not want that, when rescued, Song Wenbo again burst into the house more violent fire, ultimately to Jiang's mother and daughter even the strap to carry out rescue.

name, then after making inquiries learned his benefactor named Song Wenbo.

under the leadership of the Song Wenbo, where his fire brigade, squadron, has been named management of five-star unit He has six times by the award, awarded a third class three times, twice was named the outstanding party members, 1 was named

7 3, the Communist Youth League of Hunan Provincial Party Committee and Hunan Provincial Youth Federation posthumous Song Wenbo comrades July 23, Hunan Provincial People's Government posthumously Song Wenbo comrades

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